International UNV Wetland Biodiversity Conservation Specialist - Ruoergai Marshes, China

United Nations Volunteers Programme Assignment - Wetland Biodiversity Conservation And Sustainable Use In China Project. Contact: Ms Doris Vogl <[email protected]>


This post is a United Nations Volunteers Programme Assignment and based on the values of free will, commitment, engagement and solidarity, which are the foundations of volunteerism. Volunteering brings benefit to the individual volunteer. It makes important contributions, economically, as well as socially. It contributes to creating social cohesion and capital, through helping to build trust and reciprocity among citizens.

The United Nations Volunteers is the UN Organisation that supports sustainable human development globally through the promotion of volunteerism and mobilization of volunteers. It serves the causes of peace and development through enhancing opportunities for participation by all peoples. It is universal, inclusive and embraces volunteer actions in all its diversity.

Volunteerism is diverse and is embedded in all cultures and traditions. In this context, as a United Nations Volunteer you are encouraged and expected to relate to local volunteerism and to be identified with the concept. You are expected to regard your national colleagues as peers and together uphold trust as volunteer among yourselves and within the communities and the organization you are assigned to.


Wetland Biodiversity Conservation And Sustainable Use In China Project (CPR/98/G32)

This UNDP project, funded by the Global Environment Facility and the Government of China requires a full time specialist to provide advice and training in the field of wetland biodiversity conservation and to support a range of activities that will incorporate considerations of wetland biodiversity conservation into local government decision making and action in the Ruoergai Marshes area of northern Sichuan and southern Gansu.

The objective of the project is to establish wetland biodiversity conservation as a routine consideration in national, provincial and local government decision making and action.

At the Ruoergai Marshes site landscape level management practices and guidelines with respect to wetland biodiversity conservation will be established through working with county and prefectural governments, including the range of agencies that affect wetlands. Project activities will include establishment of applied research and monitoring programmes, sectoral analyses of the policies and practices affecting wetlands, economic analyses, training and material support to relevant government agencies, including nature reserves, and increasing access of the general public to information on wetland biodiversity and decision making that affects wetlands. The site is split between two provinces, and there will be one project coordinator (termed an Outcome Coordinator) and one National UNV Field Worker based on the Sichuan side of the border and a second Outcome Coordinator and second National UNV Field Worker based on the Gansu side of the border. Further details of the project can be found in the Project Revision Document (April 2005) on the project website ( or can be requested by email from Ms Doris Vogl <[email protected]>.


JOB TITLE - Wetland Biodiversity Conservation Specialist - Ruoergai Marshes

DUTY STATION - Ruoergai County, Sichuan, China


QUALIFICATIONS - Advanced university degree in a field relevant to biodiversity conservation and environmental management
1. Specialist technical skills in one or more of the following fields:-
- Biodiversity research and monitoring programmes
- Grazing management
- Protected area management
- Environmental law in relation to wetlands and water
- Public information and involvement in decision making on the environment
2. Work experience (preferably over three years) of relevance to conservation and rural development projects
3. Specialized knowledge of Chinese environmental policy and its implementation an advantage
4. Keen interest in conservation of biodiversity
5. Specific experience in wetland management an advantage
6. Good knowledge of written and spoken English
7. Some knowledge of Chinese preferred
8. Previous experience of working in remote locations
9. Previous experience of working in China an advantage
10.Must be capable of living and working at 3,600 metres above sea level
11.The ability and the initiative to make contacts and build a network
12.Good coordination and organization skills
13.Ability to work well in a team
14.Must be prepared to undertake extensive field trips within the Ruoergai Marshes, including to the western part in Gansu province
15.Ability to set and keep to deadlines

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Wetland Biodiversity Conservation Specialist - Ruoergai Marshes will provide technical support to the project's coordinators at the site, help to establish a focal point for links with relevant government agencies, and liaise with local people to improve their access to information on wetlands and the effects of different forms of land use. In particular, he will:

1. Provide advice and on-the-job training in wetland management, including protected area management, and related skills through work-planning and day to day operations in relevant local government and nature reserve bureaux
2. Establish contacts and links with relevant organizations, networks and individuals outside the project and encourage project staff and partners to follow up where required
3. Support project staff and partners in the preparation of annual and quarterly project work plans
4. Assist with the coordination of project activities in general, and take a leading role in his areas of particular expertise.
5. Provide recommendations relating to project implementation
6. Maintain, with the other Ruoergai Marshes based project staff, dialogue with local people on biodiversity conservation, wetland management, rangeland management, herding patterns, natural resource conservation and rural development.
7. Provide, with the site based project staff a focal point for cross-fertilisation and linkage between staff of government agencies, including nature reserves.
8. Work closely throughout with the National UNVs assigned to the Ruoergai Marshes site, both in Sichuan and Gansu

Note: Duties will be adjusted so that responsibilities for particular project components are assigned according the specialist skills of the volunteer (see under Qualifications above).

1. Quarterly progress reports including recommendations for improvements in project implementation
2. Periodic monitoring reports as and if requested by the project's Technical Advisory Group
3. Other outputs to be determined during work planning

SUPERVISION AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Under the immediate supervision of the project's Ruoergai Marshes East Outcome Coordinator