According to McKinsey, advanced robotics has the potential to affect $6.3 trillion in labor costs globally.
Increasingly capable robots with enhanced senses, dexterity and intelligence are now used to automate tasks or augment humans, thanks to accelerating advancements in machine vision, AI, machine-to-machine communication, sensors and actuators.
Join us in our Disruptive Innovation in Robotics Site Visit to see how the latest game-changing robotics and intelligent systems can be harnessed to drive massive improvement in your industry.
In this unique and informative site visit, you will visit some of the world’s largest robotics research institutes including Advanced Robotics Centre at NUS, which have been instrumental in developing breakthrough technologies, conducting world-leading research, and development of field robotics principles and systems.
You will discover how robotics and intelligent systems will revolutionize industries. PLUS, hear how the biggest disruptive innovations of this decade including AI, blockchain, energy storage and quantum computing will disrupt all the major industries, and find out how you can leverage these technologies to become a leading force at Clariden’s 2nd World Disruptive Innovation Summit in Singapore on 11 – 13 February 2019.
Also, learn how top leaders from Go-Jek, Airbus, Singularity University, Amazon, GE, Carro, Google and Microsoft are using cutting-edge technologies to re-invent themselves in this disruptive era.
Register With Your Colleagues to Enjoy Group Discounts: - 10% for 2nd participant from the same organization - Register 3 participants and the 4th participant will receive a complimentary seat
* Only 1 discount scheme will apply. Discount will compound on top of your early bird discount.