[Invitation to a webinar] Pathways to Gender Equality in Myanmar

Please join the International Development Research Centre in a webinar conversation with May Sabe Phyu, Director of the Gender Equality Network.

The Knowledge for Democracy Myanmar Initiative at IDRC is proud to invite you to a webinar conversation with May Sabe Phyu, Director of the Gender Equality Network.

May will share the recent trends in women's political participation in Myanmar, outline how IDRC-supported projects aim to promote women's leadership, and share her reflections on the challenges of promoting gender equality in Myanmar.

About GEN: The Gender Equality Network is a collection of more than 130 civil society organizations and NGOs working to facilitate the transformation of norms, systems, structures and practices to enable gender equality and gender justice in Myanmar. GEN pursues these goals through advocacy, research, and capacity building.

Time: June 7th 10:30-11:30 AM Eastern Time (the webinar link below)

Please note this is a webinar.
No in-person presence is needed.

For questions, contact [email protected]

Published: 06 Jun 2019

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http://kivu.webex.com/webappng/sites/kivu/meeting/info/12926167060316610... Joint the webinar (password is IDRC) http://www.genmyanmar.org/ Gender Equality Network (GEN) http://www.idrc.ca/en International Development Research Centre (IDRC)