Event Announcement and Invitation: Myanmar Knowledge Hub and Market Place

Journalists and the public are invited to attend the Myanmar Knowledge Hub and Market Place on July 9 and 10 in Yangon to exchange ideas and identify opportunities to work together to strengthen Myanmar’s research community.

More than 100 people from 30 institutions are expected to participate in the roundtable discussions and all-day Market Place, where organizations can share their work and research helping advance the social and economic transformation of the country. Hosted by Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and international partners, the Knowledge Hub aims to strengthen Myanmar’s “knowledge ecosystem,” so groups can share their experiences and expertise, as well as potentially establish new partnerships. Come learn what exciting efforts are underway and network!

All events will be held at the Mercure Hotel Yangon Kaba Aye 17, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Yankin Township, 11081 Yangon

Free registration from the link below.

Full schedule of events:

July 9 - 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Knowledge Hub Kick Off: Research Systems in Myanmar Roundtable
Representatives from Global Development Network, Myanmar’s Centre for Economic and Social Development, and Institute of South East Asian Studies will discuss the status of social science research in Myanmar. Q&A and discussion with audience. Informal networking reception with refreshments to follow.

July 10 - 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Gender Equality and Decentralization Roundtable
Representatives from several nonprofit and research organizations will share their experiences and initial findings conducting gender equality research in Myanmar. Moderated panel discussion by the Gender Equality Network.

July 10 – 10:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Knowledge Market Place
More than 30 organizations, including nonprofits, think tanks and research groups, will share their efforts supporting Myanmar’s democratic transformation. Come learn about their work, and potentially find new collaborators.

July 10 – 3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Think Tank Roundtable – Lessons for Policy Engagement
A roundtable discussion will look at how Myanmar’s think tanks might approach the 2020 elections, and work to inform and influence policy. The discussion will build on international lessons and best practices for policy engagement such as those from the IDRC’s 10-year Think Tank Initiative in South Asia.

For all media inquiries:
In English, please contact Edgard Rodriguez ([email protected]), local phone +95-094-5385-8770

In Burmese, please contact Patrick Lee ([email protected]), local phone +95-097-9533-8658

About IDRC

Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) funds research in developing countries to create lasting change on a large scale. To make knowledge a tool for addressing pressing challenges, IDRC provides developing-country researchers financial resources, advice, and training to help them find solutions to local problems, and encourages knowledge sharing with policymakers, researchers, and communities around the world. In doing so, IDRC contributes to Canada’s foreign policy, complementing the work of Global Affairs Canada (GAC).

IDRC's Knowledge for Democracy Myanmar initiative aims to build the capacity of leaders to carry out research and evidence-based policymaking with a focus on inclusive economic policies and democratic laws and standards. Launched in 2017, this five-year, $10.7 million initiative is funded by Canada through the IDRC and the Global Affairs Canada.

IDRC's Think Tank Initiative: TTI is dedicated to strengthening the capacity of independent policy research institutions in developing countries, including Myanmar. Launched in 2008, TTI provides core, non-earmarked funding to 43 think tanks in 20 countries through a partnership between five donors: Hewlett Foundation, UK aid, Gates Foundation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, and NORAD. The program ends in September 2019.

Published: 29 Jul 2019

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http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/knowledge-hub-2019-tickets-64257703521 Free registration http://www.idrc.ca/ International Development Research Centre (IDRC)