IFS provides grants and other supporting services to social scientists from developing countries that are at an early stage in their career and plan to carry out a research project in a developing country. Eligible projects will address topics that are relevant to the sustainable management, conservation, or use of the biological and water resource base (a full list of eligibility rules is available on the IFS website). IFS maintains an open call for research proposals under this theme, and applications are accepted year-round.
Researchers are encouraged to apply for support for research projects that are innovative and promise to generate new knowledge. All proposals must contain a scientific research project, primarily development or extension projects are not eligible for support.
Several examples of possible research topics are provided below. However, this list is not exhaustive and researchers are welcome to apply with projects addressing other topics that are relevant to the general theme mentioned above.
• How do institutions (ie formal and informal rules and norms) influence the use of the biological and water resource base?
• How has environmental change affected social, economic, and/or cultural systems?
• How is human competition and conflict over biological and water resources to be understood?
• How are sustainable development priorities identified and/or promoted in local, regional and international contexts?
• What are the conditions for transferring a sustainable technology/biotechnology to new contexts and situations?
• How is knowledge for sustainability generated, transmitted and turned into goods and services?
• How is local knowledge mobilised to adapt technology and processes developed for Northern markets to Southern problems?
• How can Southern actors protect their knowledge and promote sustainable development using international agreements on intellectual property rights (IPRs)?
Titles of recently supported research projects can be found on the IFS Website.
Applications are made on a standard IFS application form, in English or French, which is available from the IFS Secretariat or can be downloaded from the website.
Karlavägen 108, 5th floor
S-115 26 Stockholm
Fax: +46-8-54581801
Website: www.ifs.se