The 52nd Foundation Anniversary
The University of the Philippines Asian Center in collaboration with The UP Vargas Museum, The Japan Foundation, National Commission for Culture and the Arts, and Filipino-Japanese Foundation of Northern Luzon, Inc.
cordially invites you to the
Philippine nikkeijin 2007
Admission Free (Inquiry: [email protected]/ tel:920-3549/ fax:927-0909)
Photographic Exhibitions:
a)"Traces of the Nikkeijin of Panay"
(Curator:Ma. Luisa E. Mabunay) Nov. 5 – Dec. 15, 2007 (Mon-Sat,8am-5pm) Asian Center, Romulo Hall, UP Diliman
b) "Haponés: The Early 20thCentury Japanese Community of Baguio"
(Curator: Patricia O. Afable) Nov.21, 2007 – Jan. 15, 2008 (Tues-Sun, 9am-4pm) Edge Gallery, Vargas Museum, UP Diliman
OPENING: 4 pm, November 20, 2007
Symposium: "Japanese Migrants to the Philippines: History, Issues and Prospects "
(Organizer:Michiyo Yoneno-Reyes) 9am– 4pm, Nov. 20, 2007 Edge Gallery, Vargas Museum,UP Diliman
Mariko Iijima (Sophia University)
"A Comparative Study of Japanese Diasporas before WWII: the Philippines and Hawaii"
Makoto Sugii (MiyagiGakuin Women's University)
"Japanese Descendants in Baguio-Cordillera and their Contact with the Post-war Japanese Visitors to the Philippines:1945-1973"
Patricia O. Afable (SmithsonianInstitution)
"Compelling Memories and Telling Archival Documents and Photographs: The Search for the Baguio Japanese Community"
Yasuko Kuroda (Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku)
"Japanese Language Education for Children of Diaspora: Report from Yokohama and Davao"
Shun Ohno (Kyushu University)
"Deterittorialized Identities and Citizenships: The Implications of the Shuttling between the Philippines and Japan by the Philippine Nikkeijin"
Ma. Luisa E. Mabunay (University of the Philippines)
"Tracing the Nikkeijin of Panay: Roots andProspects"
(Director: Koji Ima Izumi, 2003)
7:30pm Nov.9/ 5:30pm Nov. 11 (Antonio Molina Hall, BDO South Tower, Makati)/ 7pm Nov.15 (UP Film Institute)
►c/o Eiga sai Fringe (Inquiry: The Japan Foundation Manila [email protected]/02-811-6155)