Philippine nikkeijin 2007

The University of the Philippines Asian Center in collaboration with The UP Vargas Museum, The Japan Foundation, National Commission for Culture and the Arts, and Filipino-Japanese Foundation of Northern Luzon, Inc. cordially invites you to the Philippine nikkeijin 2007

The 52nd Foundation Anniversary

The University of the Philippines Asian Center in collaboration with The UP Vargas Museum, The Japan Foundation, National Commission for Culture and the Arts, and Filipino-Japanese Foundation of Northern Luzon, Inc.

cordially invites you to the

Philippine nikkeijin 2007

Admission Free (Inquiry: [email protected]/ tel:920-3549/ fax:927-0909)

Photographic Exhibitions:

a)"Traces of the Nikkeijin of Panay"
(Curator:Ma. Luisa E. Mabunay) Nov. 5 – Dec. 15, 2007 (Mon-Sat,8am-5pm) Asian Center, Romulo Hall, UP Diliman

b) "Haponés: The Early 20thCentury Japanese Community of Baguio"
(Curator: Patricia O. Afable) Nov.21, 2007 – Jan. 15, 2008 (Tues-Sun, 9am-4pm) Edge Gallery, Vargas Museum, UP Diliman

OPENING: 4 pm, November 20, 2007

Symposium: "Japanese Migrants to the Philippines: History, Issues and Prospects "
(Organizer:Michiyo Yoneno-Reyes) 9am– 4pm, Nov. 20, 2007 Edge Gallery, Vargas Museum,UP Diliman

Mariko Iijima (Sophia University)
"A Comparative Study of Japanese Diasporas before WWII: the Philippines and Hawaii"

Makoto Sugii (MiyagiGakuin Women's University)
"Japanese Descendants in Baguio-Cordillera and their Contact with the Post-war Japanese Visitors to the Philippines:1945-1973"

Patricia O. Afable (SmithsonianInstitution)
"Compelling Memories and Telling Archival Documents and Photographs: The Search for the Baguio Japanese Community"

Yasuko Kuroda (Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku)
"Japanese Language Education for Children of Diaspora: Report from Yokohama and Davao"

Shun Ohno (Kyushu University)
"Deterittorialized Identities and Citizenships: The Implications of the Shuttling between the Philippines and Japan by the Philippine Nikkeijin"

Ma. Luisa E. Mabunay (University of the Philippines)
"Tracing the Nikkeijin of Panay: Roots andProspects"


(Director: Koji Ima Izumi, 2003)

7:30pm Nov.9/ 5:30pm Nov. 11 (Antonio Molina Hall, BDO South Tower, Makati)/ 7pm Nov.15 (UP Film Institute)

►c/o Eiga sai Fringe (Inquiry: The Japan Foundation Manila [email protected]/02-811-6155)

Published: 08 Nov 2007

Contact details:

Roxas Avenue, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City 1101

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