A total of three international trainers - one from television, one from print/online and one from radio - will
run the program for 20 Indonesian journalists from across the country.
Investigative reporting is still relatively underdeveloped in Indonesia and this program, supported by the
Media Development Loan Fund with funding from the Dutch government, is intended to provide a means by
which interested journalists can learn more about this aspect of journalism and enhance their skills in this
The training will focus on how to plan and implement investigative reports on environmental issues, but
will also cover topics such as ethics and how to deal with conflicts of interest and threats. The course will
be practically orientated, with each participant working on an environmental investigative story idea during
the week, in consultation with the trainers.
Trainer requirements:
- experienced journalists specializing in, or with substantial experience of, investigative reporting on
environmental topics;
- past training experience preferred, but not essential;
- some knowledge of politics, economics and society in Indonesia and/or the region;
- committed to assisting in the development of media professionalism in Indonesia;
- Indonesian language speaker preferred, but not essential.
Those interested in finding out more about the trainer positions are requested to submit a CV and other
relevant information by Friday 8 February, 2008, to:
Eni Mulia
Program Manager
Indonesian Association for Media Development
Mobile : +62 (0)816942178
e-mail : [email protected]