University Science Malaysia’s Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) Prof. Muhammad Idiris Saleh, officiated the USM World Biodiversity Day and Haniff Awards on 22 May 2008.
He presented RM20,000 (approx USD6,200) in contribution from USM to the Haniff Foundation for the development and research of botany and biodiversity fields.
Haniff Foundation was established in remembrance of botany expert, Mohamed Haniff, who made enormous contribution in botany research in the 1890s. The fruits of his researches of this Penang born son is still used as the main reference by many botany scientists in the world.
In line with the celebration, four working papers were presented. They are: ‘Worm Power’, ‘Algal Biodiversity: A Unique and Unexplored Resources’, ‘ Bird Biodiversity in Penang’, ‘Tropical Rainforest Biodiversity – The Malaysian Scenario’, Mangrove Restoration – Wrong Species, Wrong Places’.