National Research and Innovation Competition (NRIC) 2008 Received 145 Entries From Students of Higher Learning Institutions
University Science Malaysia Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, who is also President of the “Association of Southeast Asian Institution of Higher Learning’ officiated the National Research and Innovation Competition (NRIC) 2008 on 20 May 2008.
Through the competition, many had the chance to witness a total of 145 researches by undergraduate students from 19 public and private higher learning institutions throughout the country.
NRIC 2008 is the first initiative of its kind in this country, aimed at presenting students’ research results – particularly those with the potential to be expanded and commercialised.
The result of the researches were exhibited according to six classifications namely Engineering and Technology, Biology, Fundamental Sciences, Medical and Health Sciences, Information Technology and Communication, as well as Social Transformation and Creative Arts.
The three-day competition was officially closed on 22 May 2008 afternoon.