Experts on China, Water, Barbie Doll and the Fashion Industry in Asia

In early March, ResearchSEA sent out detail of experts in these subjects to journalists. This information is now posted on ResearchSEA for the benefit of other users.

As part of ResearchSEA's continuing efforts to link the international media with research in Asia, we have compiled a list of experts who are happy to speak to journalists on issues related to China, Water, Barbie Doll and the Fashion Industry in Asia.


On 5th March, China’s National People’s Congress started it annual plenary session. The following experts will be happy to give journalists their expert opinion on China’s economy and politics.

Dr Thomas Chan is Head of the China Business Centre at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and can be reached through [email protected]

Dr Rumi Aoyama is a researcher in International Relationship Theory at Waseda University’s. Some of her recent publications include “Making New Partnership:A Rising China and its Neighbours”, “A New East Asia: Toward a Regional Community”, “China's New Nationalism: Pride, Politics, and Diplomacy” and “Diffusing the "China Treat" at Disneyland?”. Dr Aoyama can be reached through Waseda University’s Office of Information and Public Relations at [email protected].

Dr Eiichi Motono specialises in Economic history. His current research interests are Modern Chinese History, Study of the Treaty Port Society in China and Foreign Trade and Finance in China. In the recent past, he has conducted research on British Empire History seen from China & Hongkong, Development of Hong Kong and the Foreign Settlement in Shanghai and Its Social Impact in the Early Twentieth Century, Company Registration System in Shanghai Foreign Concession and Hong Kong, Study of the Intellectual Property Protection System in Republican China. Dr Motono can be reached through Waseda University’s Office of Information and Public Relations at [email protected].

Dr Kazuko Mori specialises in China, Foreign Relations and the Cold War. Her current research interest is on Foreign Relations of Contemporary China and Cold War History – reconsider. Some of her recent past research projects include Villagers' Autonomy in Contemporary China, Structural Change of Contemporary China and International project on the Cold War History. Dr Mori can be reached through Waseda University’s Office of Information and Public Relations at [email protected].



The UN World Water Day is on 22nd March 2009. The following experts will be pleased to talk to journalists about Water

Dr Yutaka Sakakibara conducts research at Waseda University on Environmental Remediation. Some of Dr Sakakibara’s research interests include Bioremediation using natural energy, Restoration of water environment, Emission Control of Greenhouse Gases, Electrochemical and Biological Treatment of water, Electrolytic treatment of trace toxic compounds and more. Dr Sakakibara can be reached through Waseda University’s Office of Information and Public Relations at [email protected].

Dr Li Pei from Hong Kong Polytechnic University is an expert on Water Cleaning Technology. Dr Li Pew is an Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology and can be reached through [email protected]



Barbie Doll celebrates her 50th birthday on 9 March 2009. Mr Peter Dean will be happy to talk to journalists about the influence of Barbie and other western based toys on Asia, as well as the Asian toy industry.

Mr Dean is an Associate Professor at the School of Design at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and can be reached with through [email protected]


Paris Fashion Week starts from 5 March to 12 March 2009. How does it influence the Asian fashion scene? Ms Gail Taylor can give her expert opinion on the Asian fashion industry and influences from the Paris/London/New York/Milan fashion scenes on Asia.

Ms Taylor is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Textiles and Clothing and can be reached with through [email protected]