FutureMotion2009, a new motion picture festival, held at Keio University

Talk sessions titled "What is 4K, the next generation's format of motion picture?", "Faculty Members of KMD talks about 'Motion Picture10 years later'", "Creator of Toy Story 2 " talks about '3DCG's Now and Future'" and etc. were held by leaders of the industry and the academic world.

FutureMotion2009, an official event hosted by Keio University Graduate School of Media Design (KMD) was held on Saturday, 28 March and Sunday, 29 March at the Collaboration Complex of Hiyoshi Campus. The event was organized based on four KMD’s curriculum; Design, Technology, Management and Policy, to propose the future and possibilities of motion pictures.

At FutureMotion2009, which was for the first time ever, 10 sessions and 2 workshops were held by KMD and supporting companies. Each event was based on one of 12 categories that will create a new future of motion pictures.

At the Fujiwara Hiroshi Hall, talk sessions titled "What is 4K, the next generation's format of motion picture?", "Faculty Members of KMD talks about 'Motion Picture10 years later'", "Creator of Toy Story 2 " talks about '3DCG's Now and Future'" and etc. were held by leaders of the industry and the academic world. Also, Rashomon directed by Akira Kurosawa was revived in 4K format, with resolution four times higher than the current high definition TV standard. After more than half a century from its release, the film was shown with the original beauty and quality.

At the workshop, a professional director taught video clipping technique, which included explanation of making, production process and web exporting, and participants engaged in lively exchanges of their views.

Published: 27 Apr 2009


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http://www.keio.ac.jp/english/news/2009/090415.html Link to announcement on Keio University