Journal of Research, SKUAST–J
Print ISSN: 0972-7469
Frequency: Biannual
Published by: Sher-E-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology – Jammu
Year 2005, Volume-4, Issue-1
Table of contents
Review Articles
Nutritional Strategies for reducing methane production by ruminants-A review
R.K. Sharma
Diagnosis of Haemorrhagic septicaemia: past, present and future
T.K. Dutta, Rajiv Gautam, V.S. Senthil Kumar and S.K. Kotwal
Organic Farming: concept and its prospective in Jammu and Kashmir
R.D. Gupta, Deepak Kher and V.K. Jalali
Research Articles
Abundance and diversity of different insect pollinators visiting peach and plum flowers and their impact on fruit production
D.P. Abrol, Devinder Sharma and Md. Monobrullah
Phenotypic stability of glucosinolate and other important biochemical traits in rape
S.K. Gupta
Stability of non-basmati and basmati cytoplasmic male sterile lines in Jammu
B.B. Gupta, R.K. Salgotra and J.S. Bijral
Inter-relationship study among various horticultural traits in heading broccoli (Brassica oleracea Var Italica Plenck.)
Vishal Gautam, Bindu Shrma and Susheel Sharma
Genetic variation and selection for curd quality in local collections of cauliflower
Jag Paul Sharma, R.K. Samnotra, A.K. Gupta, S. Chopra, Sanjeev Kumar Satesh Kumar and Anil Bhushan
Efficiency of different herbicides viz. pendimethalin and fluchloralin for weed control in onion
K.L. Bhat and Anil Bhushan
Inhibitory effect of some plant extracts against alternaria brassicae causing alternaria Blight of mustard
C.S. Patni, S.J. Kolte and R.P. Awasthi
On the generalization of rao-crammer inequality
Bilal Ahmad Bhat
Effect of pre-harvest application of plant growth regulators (GA3, NAA and CCC) on post harvest Quality of guava (Psidium guajava L.) CV. SARDAR
Ravi Kher and Shanoo Bhat
Rainfall analysis for designing soil and water conservation structures for Jammu region
A.K. Raina, R.K. Srivastava and Vinod Kumar
Studies on the fertility status in relation to soil properties in Kandi belt of Jammu district
G.D. Gupta, R.D. Gupta, Deepak Kher, J.P. Gupta and N.M. Sumeria
Short Communications
Status evaluation of rapeseed-mustard germplasm against white rust (Albugo candida) disease in the intermediate zone of Jammu region
Shahid Ahmad
Effect of urea molasses mineral block licks on reproductive performance of migratory buffaloes
N.A. Sudhan and F.A. Ahmad
Knowledge level of dairy farmers regarding artificial insemination
Gautam, M.K. Mandal and P. Baru
Incidence of aflatoxin B1 in animal feeds in Jammu and Kashmir
T.K. Dutta, V.S. Senthil Kumar, M.A. Bhat and A. Taku
Enteric pathogens from temple monkeys in Jammu
A.K. Taku, M.A. Bhat, T.K. Dutta and V.S. Senthilkumar
Evaluation of chickpea genotypes against stem rot caused by sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Amrish Vaid, C.S. Kalha, Pushpinder Sharma and Sachin Gupta