Sports Medicine Research Center
Founded in 1988 at Hiyoshi campus, Research and clinical activity are now conducted in the sports medicine and science under the first theme of health. As the study commissioned by industry, this institute is conducting from a collaboration School of Medicine and Faculty of Science and Technology. Subjects for joint research are now conducted on SET (Safety Exercise Threshold) and EMS, and functional sports-wear in the sports medicine and science and human engineering ergonomics. And clinical study is conducted on the exercise guide for the evaluation of physical activity and the primary prevention for health related diseases.
Institute of Physical Education
Institute of Physical Education was established in 1961, as the organization for research and education associated with physical education and sports. It promotes that the extensive researches for the mechanism that physical activities contributed to mental and physical development and health, the teaching theory related to physical education and sport science and analysis of competitors’ performance from. The research results have been crowned with great success to students, faculties, student-athletes, or residents in Hiyoshi community throughout the extension course/lecture.