Title: The Old Kayan Religion and The Bungan Religious Reform
Author: Lake' Baling'
This remarkable document is the first ever written by a Kayan in his own language. Lake' Baling's text is not a manual for religious specialist, but a reference book for the laity, which presents a Kayan view of Kayan matters. In 1974, while anthropologist Jerome Rousseau was doing fieldwork on Kayan religion in the village of Uma Bawang, Lake' Baling asked Posseau to translate the Manuscript into English and publish it, so that the Kayan people and the whole world could appreciate the value of Adat Bungan. This book is the fulfillment of the request. Its publication also makes a primary document available to scholars.
Title: Mapping the People of Sarawak
Author: Prof Michael B. Leigh
This pioneering book maps the people of Sarawak, capturing the pattern of settlement, as it existed in 1968, prior to the massive changes that began in mid 1970s and have continued through into the 21st century, the baseline data shows the precise distribution of population, in every settlement throughout Sarawak, each identified by ethnicity and local leadership.
Title: Life In The Malay Kampongs Of Kuching, Fifty Years Ago
Author: A. Zainal Abidin dan Abdullah Salleh
This report was researched and written by two young Malayan Undergraduates, enrolled in Geography Department of The University Malaya, which was then located in Singapore. Over the period of just three months in 1953 they captured a pictured of daily life of the Malay community across river in Kuching. This geographical study gives such rich details, much of which has been lost in the changes that have taken place in the subsequently fifty years.
Title: Changing Borders And Identities In The Kelabit Highlands
Author: Poline Bala
The author is a lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences, in the International Studies Program, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Changing Borders And Identities is the fourth book to be published by the Dayak Programme of Unimas and the first book in the Dayak Studies Contemporary Society Series. The central topic of this book is the international border between Indonesia and Malaysia and its changing and evolving significance to the people of the Kelabit Highlands.
Title: Voices Of The Crocker Range Indigenous Communities Sabah
Author: Zawawi Ibrahim
Voices Of The Crocker Range Indigenous Communities Sabah is a monograph which attempts to capture the “Peoplespeak” dimension of the people environment relationship of the Sabah Crocker Range society. Whilst the main social actors are those from the Kadazan Dusun of Ranau and the Muruts of Tenom are also present. These are “Social Narratives” of transition of indigenous people and communities caught between tradition and modernity representing a journey of identity in the making. As opposed to the normal anthropological and authored form of “writing culture”, the ethnography presented here articulates both centred and decentring voices of authority juxtaposed in differentiated ways in the evolving Sabah society of the Malaysian nation-state.
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