Table of Contents
Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine (Indian J Crit Care Med)
2006 | April-June | Volume 10 | Issue 2
Acute effects of nitric oxide inhalation in ARDS: A dose finding study at steady state kinetics [pg.75]
Hari M Shankar, Trikha A, Madan R, Kaul HL
A comparative study of characteristics and outcome of patients with acute respiratory failure and acute on chronic respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation [pg.80]
Banga Amit, Khilnani GC
Predictors of need of mechanical ventilation and reintubation in patients with acute respiratory failure secondary to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [pg.88]
Khilnani GC, Banga Amit, Sharma SK
Adult basic life support [pg.95]
Sarin H, Kapoor D
Diagnosing pulmonary embolism [pg.105]
Khosla Rahul
Hemophagocytosis and miliary tuberculosis in a patient in the intensive care unit [pg.112]
Khan Fahmi Yousef, Fawzy Zeinab, Siddiqui Issar, Yassin Mohamed A
Goodpasture's disease: A case report from South India [pg.115]
Dumeer Nitin Kumar, Pragaya Aruna Kumari, Rao Manmadha T, Sundaram C
Guidelines for noninvasive ventilation in acute respiratory failure [pg.117]
Chawla Rajesh, Khilnani GC, Suri JC, Ramakrishnan N, Mani RK, Prayag Shirish, Nagarkar Shruti, Kansal Sudha, Sidhu US, Kumar Vijay