In addition to a certificate of recognition, the Universiti Putra Malaysia journal was awarded a sum of RM12,500 (about US$2900) under the category “journals indexed in Scopus” in the field of “Arts, Social Sciences & Humanities.” The award was presented by Dato’ Seri Idris bin Jusoh, Minister of Higher Education, Malaysia, during the launching ceremony of the National Conference on High Impact Journal Publications.
The selection of JSSH was based on the following criteria:
• Publisher must be an institution of higher learning in Malaysia.
• Journal must be printed in Malaysia.
• Journal must be indexed in the ISI or SCOPUS bibliographic database.
• Journal must be listed in the Malaysian MyCite bibliographic database.
• Journal must have a consistent and continuous publication schedule.
• Journal must have a clear scope.
• Journal must have an official and informative webpage.
“Since this is a government award, it is an important recognition for us,” says Dr Nayan Kanwal, Editor-in-Chief of the Pertanika journals. “As a result, I hope to see more good quality, innovative research papers from Malaysia as well as beyond. This should also lead to more citations for JSSH and eventually a higher impact factor for the journal.”