Deputy Higher Education Minister, Datuk Mary Yap Kain Ching said the support by the Italian Government will see that Malaysia is given a wider access for researchers from both countries to conduct joint research in a more systematic and organized manner.
“It is my hope that MICEMS could start off this high-impact programme by cooperating with its Italian share partner and local researchers and becomes the starting point for more international collaborations in the years to come,” she said.
She also expressed her gratitude to the Italian Government for recognizing the expertise of a public higher institution of learning (IPT) in Malaysia in helping to realize the establishment of the Centre of Excellence for Mathematical Sciences in this country.
“The ministry encourages local researchers to grab whatever opportunities derived from MICEMS initiatives to assist in completing any research that could be of great benefit to the people.”
UPM Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Aini Ideris, meanwhile, said the initiative was aimed at getting international research fund to enhance the quality of high impactful research between INSPEM UPM and the Department of Mathematical Science, Politecnico.
“MICEMS is the first institution in Malaysia that will give focus on research in the field of Mathematical Sciences such as Algebra structure, functional analysis, mathematical physics, statistics and applications for the industry and the society,” she said.
Also present at the function were Italian ambassador to Malaysia, Mario Sammartino and Politechno in Torino representative, Prof. Dr. Lamberto Rondoni, UPM Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Industry and Community Network), Prof. Dr. –Ing. Ir. Renuganth Varatharajoo and INSPEM Director, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Kamel Ariffin Mohd Atan.
INSPEM UPM which started operating on April 1, 2002, serves as a research institute, specializing in Mathematics and other areas whose major components comprise of Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Sciences and Applications as well as in Education and Mathematical Literature. – UPM.
By: Noor Eszereen Juferi