Keio University Annual Report on Research Activities

University research activities have always been an important factor in societal progress. Thus, it is important for universities to communicate their research to the public. Keio’s Annual Report on Research Activities provides the community with information regarding our strategies and direction, as well as our current research activities.

Keio University Annual Report on Research Activities 2005–2006


Since the founding of universities in Bologna and Paris in the 12th century, the mission of the university has been the creation and accumulation of knowledge. This mission has traditionally involved maintaining a neutral position in relation to society and an outlook that extends beyond short term trends. At a distance from the unpredictable, changing and market driven world, universities have been able to devote themselves to the development of pure knowledge and research, the results of which have played an important role in societal progress.

Universities should reflect the needs of the era, of the country, of the local community, and increasingly of the global community as well. It is clear that we are now facing complex, unprecedented changes on a global scale, and as pillars of society, universities are now expected to play a greater role in contributing to the real world by providing services to the community. Collaborative partnerships with industry and governments, provision of medical services and health care, and training of tomorrow’s
leaders have been added to the university’s more traditional roles of creating and accumulating knowledge.

Imagine the traditional “ivory tower” style university as a circle: a geometric shape with a single, central focus. Keio University believes that universities in the 21st century must broaden their commitments, and can best be represented by an ellipse: a shape with two equal focuses in dynamic balance with one another.

One of these focuses is remaining independent from economic society in order to promote basic research and the ongoing creation of new knowledge. Economic society is by nature unstable and rapidly changing, so in order for knowledge creation to progress and break ground in new fields, it must take place outside the realm of market driven influences. The other focus is being directly committed to collaborating with society. The university has unique resources which, through innovation and
collaboration with community partners, can be put to direct use to improve society.

Keio is taking a variety of steps to realize the University’s “double-focus” vision, including the establishment of the Organization for Research Advancement and Administration (ORAA). The Organization was set up to further develop cross-disciplinary research activities, as well as collaborative partnerships with industry, governments and other universities worldwide.

University research activities have always been an important factor in societal progress. Thus, it is very important for universities to communicate their research activities to the public. Keio’s Annual Report on
Research Activities provides the community with information regarding our strategies and direction, as well as our current research activities. We believe that a strong focus on developing the international collaboration is essential to achieve our goal of becoming a truly world class university.

This report also refers to our recent development in international collaboration. We hope that this Report will give you a better understanding of what Keio University is doing to accomplish its double-focus vision and contribute to the advancement of society.

Yuichiro Anzai
Keio University

Table of Contents for Keio University Annual Report on Research Activities 2005 - 2006

- Organization for Research Advancement and Administration (ORAA)
- Guide to Research Activities at Keio University

- Research Centers
Mita Campus / Hiyoshi Campus
Yagami Campus
Shinanomachi Campus
Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC)
Shin-Kawasaki Town Campus
Tsuruoka Town Campus
Research Institute for Digital Media and Content (DMC)

- Promoting Research Collaboration and Transmission to Society: Activities at the Center for Research Promotion

- The 21st Century COE Program
- Toward an Integrated Methodology for the Study of the Mind
CIRM: Centre for Integrated Research on the Mind
Development of a Theory of Market Quality and an Empirical Analysis Using Panel Data

- Designing toward the Ordering of Political Society in a Multi-cultural and
Pluri-generational World
Policy Innovation Initiative: Human Security Research in Japan and Asia

- Understanding and Control of Life’s Functions via Systems Biology
Function Creation Oriented Life-Conjugated Chemistry

- Optical and Electronic Device Technology for Access Network
Next Generation Media and Intelligent Social Infrastructure

- Establishment of Individualized Cancer Therapy Based on Comprehensive
Development of Minimally Invasive and Innovative Therapeutic Methods
Basic Study and Clinical Application of the Human Stem Cell Biology and Immunology:
Approaches Based on the Development of Experimental Animal Models

- Integrative Mathematical Sciences: Progress in Mathematics Motivated by
Natural and Social Phenomena
System Design: Paradigm Shift from Intelligence to Life

- FY2005 Financial Position

- Research-related Facilities and Libraries

- Research Funds at Keio University in FY2005

- Competitive Research Funds and the University’s International Competitive Capability

- Researchers at Keio University in FY2005

- Technology Transfer: Activities at the Intellectual Property Center

- Awards for Research Activities, FY2005

- Index

- Access Information


Published: 26 Jan 2007


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