Sustainable Development: Bridging the Research/Policy gaps in Southern Contexts
The two-volume book results from the SDPI’s concern for translating specialized multi and transdisciplinary research into effective policy measures in the global South. For this purpose, SDPI organized its 6th Sustainable Development Conference titled, “Sustainable Development: Bridging the research/policy gaps in Southern Contexts,” in December 2003 where researchers, academicians, creative writers, theorists, activists and policy-makers from different regions of the world met in Islamabad to debate and discuss issues such as translating research produced in the third world contexts into effective policy for sustainable development, sustainable development as a question of reorienting research/policy connection, and claiming and putting value into the fragmented and disparate work that speaks to and about the third world.
The two-volume book is an end product of the above mentioned conference papers that were reviewed and approved for publication. The book was launched at the occasion of the SDPI’s Seventh Sustainable Development Conference on December 8th 2004 by Maj.(retd) Tahir Iqbal, Minister for Environment at the Holiday Inn.
Chairman of SDPI's Board of Governors, Shams ul Mulk presenting the Sixth SDC Anthology to Maj.(retd) Tahir Iqbal, Minister for Environment, while Dr. Saba Khattak, Executive Director of SDPI and Dr. Ashis Nandy, the key note speaker from the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, India look on.
The first volume on Environment examines these issues in the context of the natural environment and its impact upon human life. Specifically, the first section in this volume looks at the environmental dimensions of human security and livelihoods, at natural resource management and its interface with governance issues, at the design and enforcement of environmental quality standards in South Asia, and renewable energy.
The second volume on Social Policy addresses trade and sustainable development, globalization and the WTO in the context of people’s livelihoods, and governance issues. Contributors to the second volume examine the complex interlinkages between gender issues and labor policy, peace and conflict, migration, education, language and identity, mass media and its control, population policy and the pressures to conform to global agendas. Most interestingly, this volume also contains a section on the voices and role of fiction writers in the production of alternative realities.
The Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) and the Oxford University Press (OUP) have jointly published this book.