APDIP and APC WNSP Release Publication on Gender and ICT
Gender and ICT
Authors: Angela M. Kuga Thas, Chat Garcia Ramilo and Cheekay Cinco
Foreword by Noeleen Heyzer
© UNDP-APDIP, Elsevier, 2007, 65 pages
ISBN-10: 81-312-0494-4
ISBN-13: 978-312-0494-8
(Available for download from the link below. 1.0 MB)
Getting access to ICT potentially offers a number of benefits for women. Through ICT many women have gained access to valuable information they wouldn’t have gained otherwise. Technology is however, not neutral to the context it is being applied in. Where ICT has been perceived to be gender neutral the ICT sector still remains primarily a male domain. Although women are starting to use ICT for a variety of purposes, women are mainly viewed as consumers of ICT. This e-Primer examines why it is necessary also to view women as ICT producers, developers and decision makers, in order to ensure further equal participation of women in the Information Society.
Recognizing the importance of integrating a gender perspective as a cross-cutting area in ICT and development, this e-Primer provides a gender perspective on issues of ICT policies, access and control, education, training and skill development, and content development. Furthermore, the e-Primer introduces a framework to integrate gender in ICT for development and to empower women.
This e-Primer also contains policy recommendations for creating inclusive development strategies and how to integrate a gender perspective into national ICT policies.
The publication is jointly produced by UNDP Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme (APDIP) and the Association for Progressive Communications Women’s Networking Support Program (APC WNSP).
The publication is part of the series of e-Primers for the Information Economy, Society and Polity. This series details the concepts, issues and trends surrounding the information economy, society and polity. It intends to raise awareness and help policy makers and planners understand the relevance of ICT for development, by explaining technical jargon in simple terms.