In this study, a Siddha drug, “Saveera Chendooram” which was prepared as per the procedure mentioned in the ancient Siddha literatures is subjected to Anti-microbial sensitivity testing. The drug consists of Mercuric Chloride (purified) and Borax (purified). This drug has immense therapeutic effect in relieving painful musculo-skeletal conditions, fever, delirium, vomiting and diarrhea.
Muller-Hilton agar is used for the drug sensitivity testing because it is a non nutrient media which gives better results.
Various concentrations of the disks were prepared from the drug ‘Mercuric chloride”. Sensitivity was tested against the following organisms.
1. Escherichia coli
2. Klebsiella
3. Proteus
4. Citrobacter and
5. Staphylococci aureus.
The study revealed that the drug Mercuric chloride was active against all the micro organisms tested i.e. E.coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Citrobacter and staphylococci.