30 January 2008
Nature China highlights the best research coming out of Mainland China and Hong Kong, providing scientists from around the world with a convenient portal into publications drawn from across all scientific disciplines.
SARS vaccine: A bit spiky
Scientists in China have developed a recombinant vaccine for SARS
Influenza surveillance: Seasonal predictors
Consultation rates of flu-like illness can be used as a predictor for the seasonality of influenza virus activity in Hong Kong and other tropical regions
Antipsychotic medication: Managing weight gain
A combination of diet, exercise and treatment with metformin is effective for weight loss in patients receiving antipsychotic medication
Behavioural disorder: In search of hyperactive genes
Scientists have identified susceptibility genes for attention deficit hyperactive disorder in the Chinese Han population
Shape-memory polymers: Made in chain
Shape-memory polymers embedded with chains of nickel powder have enhanced electrical conductivity
Quantum confinement: Cold control
The quantum confinement of electrons at low temperatures can be used to control the electrical properties of metals