ISIF channels important funding into the Asia Pacific ICT community

Technological innovation is crucial in today's challenging market circumstances. Key players in the ICT world recognize this and are coming together to launch a new grants program for the Asia Pacific Information and Communication Technology (ICT) community.

ISIF channels important funding into the Asia Pacific ICT community
[Brisbane, Australia - June 2008]

Technological innovation is crucial in today's challenging market circumstances. Key players in the ICT world recognize this and are coming together to launch a new grants program for the Asia Pacific Information and Communication Technology (ICT) community.

The Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF) is a joint initiative between the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Internet Society (ISOC), and the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC), aimed at stimulating creative solutions to ICT development needs in the Asia Pacific region.

ISIF provides grants of up to US$30,000 per project to help advance local and regional projects aimed at introducing, improving, and applying Internet and other digital communications technologies for the benefit of Asia-Pacific users and communities.

APNIC Director General Paul Wilson states, "Innovative projects, such as the ones funded by ISIF, are a significant driver to Internet and technology growth in our region. APNIC encourages members of the Asia Pacific ICT community to submit their projects for consideration."

"ISOC believes that the Internet can contribute to a better quality of life for people all over the world," says ISOC President and CEO Lynn St. Amour.

"ISIF helps ensure that local knowledge and experience is directed at tapping the potential of ICTs to address real-world problems with creative, innovative solutions."

"In Asia Pacific the Internet and the Mobile phone development are on different trajectories. We hope the ISIF research fund can help illuminate and address the new 'digital divergence' in our region, says Richard Fuchs, chair of the ISIF Grants Committee and Regional Director at IDRC, Southeast and East Asia.

Project proposals from Asia-Pacific based public or private sector organisations, university or research and development institutions, and non-government organisations will be considered. Applications must be aligned with ISIF program objectives, selection criteria and administrative guidelines. Individuals are not eligible for grants.

The ISIF grant round for 2008 is now open and applications are due 1 September 2008. A total of US$375,000 will be available for grants in 2008.

Grants will be made on a competitive basis and successful applicants will be required to make project details, outcomes and findings publicly available.

Complete information on the program and how to apply is available on the ISIF website at

ISIF is proudly sponsored by the DotAsia Organisation, the registry operator for the .ASIA top level domain.

For more information:

Sylvia Cadena | ISIF Program Officer
[email protected]

Phet Sayo | Senior Program Officer
[email protected]
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Regional Office for South Asia
208 Jor Bagh
New Delhi

Published: 19 Jun 2008

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