"University research activities have always been an important factor in societal progress. Thus, it is very important for universities to communicate their research activities to the public. Keio’s Annual Report on Research Activities provides the community with information regarding our strategies and direction, as well as our current research activities. It is our hope that this Report will give you a better understanding of what Keio University is doing to accomplish its double-focus vision and contribute to the advancement of society."
Yuichiro Anzai
Keio University
Table of Contents for Keio University Annual Report on Research Activities 2004-2005
- Organization for Research Advancement and Administration (ORAA)
- Keio University Research Guide: Where to Contact?
- Research Centers
Mita Campus/Hiyoshi Campus
Yagami Campus
Shinanomachi Campus
Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC)
Shin-Kawasaki Town Campus
Tsuruoka Town Campus
Nowton Court Keio University
Research Institute for Digital Media and Content (DMC)
- Topics: Partnerships and Collaborations
The 21st Century COE Program
Toward an Integrated Methodology for the Study of the Mind —CIRM: Centre for Integrated Research on the Mind—
Development of a Theory of Market Quality and an Empirical Analysis Using Panel Data
Designing toward the Ordering of Political Society in a Multi-cultural and Pluri-generational World
Policy Innovation Initiative: Human Security Research in Japan and Asia
Understanding and Control of Life’s Functions via Systems Biology
Function Creation Oriented Life-Conjugated Chemistry
Optical and Electronic Device Technology for Access Network
Next Generation Media and Intelligent Social Infrastructure
Establishment of Individualized Cancer Therapy Based on
Comprehensive Development of Minimally Invasive and Innovative
Therapeutic Methods
Basic Study and Clinical Application of the Human Stem Cell Biology and Immunology: Approaches Based on the Development of Experimental
Animal Models
Integrative Mathematical Sciences: Progress in Mathematics Motivated by Natural and Social Phenomena
System Design: Paradigm Shift from Intelligence to Life
- FY2004 Financial Position
- Research-related Facilities and Libraries
- Research Funds at Keio University in FY2004
- Competitive Research Funds
- Researchers at Keio University in FY2004
- Technology Transfer
- Awards for Research Activities, FY2004
- Index
- Access Information
(Please note: ResearchSEA will be featuring highlights from this report)
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