Fish stock decline seen in historical data

Hydrothermal vent animals avoid the heat


This press release contains:

· Summaries of newsworthy papers:

Hydrothermal vent animals avoid the heat

Fish stock decline seen in historical data

· Mention of papers to be published at the same time with the
same embargo*

· Geographical listing of authors

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[1] Hydrothermal vent animals avoid the heat
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1014

Hydrothermal vent creatures will seek out cooler temperatures that are well within their thermal limit, whilst non-vent species will risk higher temperatures that could ultimately result in a heat induced coma. Published online in Nature Communications this week, this discovery demonstrates that vent invertebrates have the ability to modify their behaviour to cope with the extreme temperature fluctuations in their habitat.

Vent animals, such as scale worms, limpets, and snails, are exposed to large temperature changes in their natural habitat. Amanda Bates and colleagues demonstrate that, when in the laboratory, these captured vent invertebrates move to cooler temperatures instead of residing in higher temperatures that are well within their limits. This is in comparison to non-vent species that will risk exposure to higher temperatures. The team therefore conclude that vent species are able to adapt their behaviour to withstand the vast temperature fluctuations found in hydrothermal vents.

Author contact
Amanda Bates (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand)
Tel: +64 34795814
E-mail: [email protected]

[2] Fish stock decline seen in historical data
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1013

UK fish landing data from the last 118 years demonstrates the dramatic decline in fish stocks found at the bottom of the sea since the 1960s. This finding published online this week in Nature Communications, shows that fish stocks have fallen by 94% over the time period measured.

Using historical fish landing data, Callum Roberts and colleagues, correct for changes in the fishing fleet due to advances in technology and show that fish landings began to fall despite increasing fishing power. The team suggests that the time frame of the fish declines points to the idea that much of the reduction in fish stocks had already taken place before the implement of fisheries policies.

Author contact
Callum Roberts (University of York, UK)
Tel: +44 1904 434066
E-mail: [email protected]

Ruth Thurstan (University of York, UK)
Tel: +44 1904 434066
E-mail: [email protected]

Papers to go live at the same time and with the same embargo…

[3] USE1 is a bispecific conjugating enzyme for ubiquitin and FAT10, which FAT10ylates itself in cis
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1012

[4] Surface-wetting effects on the liquid–liquid transition of a single-component molecular liquid
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1015


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Published: 05 May 2010

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