Observation of Half-Quantum Magnetic Flux in Sr2RuO4

Kyoto University and University of Illinois announced on 14th January 2011 that they have succeeded in observing half-height magnetization steps in strontium ruthenium oxide (Sr2RuO4).

Professor Maeno of Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan) and Assistant Professor Budakian of University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois,USA) were the leaders of both teams, and details of the research were published in the scientific Journal Science on the same day*.

Strontium ruthenium oxide (SRO) is an unconventional superconductor that has been proposed as the solid-state analog of the A-phase of superfluid helium 3 in which half-quantum vortex was predicted theoretically more than 30 years ago. In this research, magnetic measurements at 0.4 K were made, at University of Illinois, on a specimen fabricated by drilling a hole of 500 nm diameter on the 2 μm square Sr2RuO4 crystal grown at Kyoto University and placed on a micro-fabricated Si cantilever device developed at University of Illinois. The observed half-quantum magnetic flux, according to the news-releases from both universities, verifies that SRO is a spin-triplet superconductor and that application to topological quantum computing and spintronics is expected.

Published: 25 Feb 2011

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https://nanonet.nims.go.jp/english/modules/news/article.php?a_id=737 Article on NanotechJapan
http://mrl.illinois.edu/highlights/2011/20110114budakian.html Summary article of Science paper "Observation of Hahf-Height Magnetization Steps in Sr2RuO4"
http://www.sciencemag.org/content/331/6014/186.abstract Link to original paper "Observation of Half-Height Magnetization Steps in Sr2RuO4"


J. Jang, D. G. Ferguson, V. Vakaryuk, R. Budakian, S. B. Chung, P. M. Goldbart and M. Maeno, "Observation of Hahf-Height Magnetization Steps in Sr2RuO4", Science Vol. 331 No. 6014 pp.186-188, Published 14 January 2011, DOI: 10.1126/science.1193839