Bird Flu – Press monitoring March 16, 2006

India battles bird flu, virus kills Azeri dog; Denmark finds first case of H5; Bird flu threat highlights disaster-planning flaws; Banks told to prepare for bird flu; The Treatment of H5N1 Avian Influenza Report; Animal rights and avian influenza;

This information has been compiled as a courstesy service by the Mekong Wetlands Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use Programme (MWBP) ( from information that is publicly available. The information does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of MWBP, and the views and information expressed do not necessarily reflect those of MWBP or its partners.

Officials say Azeri dog dies of bird flu
Reuters - USA
BAKU (Reuters) - A dog has died of bird flu in Azerbaijan, a country where the virus is believed to have caused the death of three young women, officials said ...

India battles bird flu, virus kills Azeri dog - UK
MUMBAI (Reuters) - Health workers went door-to-door looking for people with bird flu symptoms in western India on Wednesday, while the virus killed a dog in ...

Denmark finds first case of H5 bird flu
Reuters - USA
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Denmark has found its first case of a highly pathogenic bird flu virus in a wild buzzard but tests were still being conducted to find ...

Fresh cases of bird flu
The Statesman - Kolkata,India
NEW DELHI, March 15. – The Maharashtra government has begun culling operations on about 75,000 birds after a fresh outbreak of bird flu was reported in ...

Leader: Bird flu threat highlights disaster-planning flaws - UK
If bird flu does mutate into a strain of the virus which is able to easily spread from human to human then the experts tell us the world faces a pandemic that ...,39024673,39157247,00.htm

Banks told to prepare for bird flu
Reuters - USA
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US bank regulators on Wednesday advised financial institutions to have contingency plans in place in case avian flu becomes pandemic. ...

Hungarian bird flu vaccine trials promising
ABC Online - Australia
... Well, four months ago, we reported that tiny Hungary had stolen a march on bigger and richer countries to develop a vaccine against the bird flu virus, H5N1. ...

How we should plan for bird flu
San Jose Mercury News - CA, USA
... The meeting is open to the public. Q We've been hearing a lot about flu lately. How do bird flu, pandemic flu and seasonal flu relate to each other? ...

The Treatment of H5N1 Avian Influenza Report: Released by Aethlon ...
Genetic Engineering News - Larchmont,NY,USA
... for infectious disease, disclosed this afternoon that Chairman and CEO, James A. Joyce, has authored a report entitled; The Treatment of H5N1 Avian Influenza. ...

Avian Influenza: Breaking News, Public Health and Surveillance ...
WebWire (press release) - Atlanta,GA,USA
... and International Studies (CSIS) cordially invite you to attend a symposium providing breaking news on the global spread of avian influenza and assessing ...

Animal rights and avian influenza - Fort Lauderdale,FL,USA
... mouth is": I would like to point out, as an animal activist, that animal rights groups are not responsible for testing, or for the control of avian influenza. ...,0,58...

Avian influenza confirmed in a wild bird in Denmark: Danish ...
EUROPA (press release) - Brussels,Belgium
The Danish authorities have informed the European Commission this morning of a confirmed case of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5 in Denmark in a common ...

Published: 16 Mar 2006

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Websites: Officials say Azeri dog dies of bird flu India battles bird flu, virus kills Azeri dog Denmark finds first case of H5 bird flu Fresh cases of bird flu,39024673,39157247,00.htm Leader: Bird flu threat highlights disaster-planning flaws Banks told to prepare for bird flu Hungarian bird flu vaccine trials promising The Treatment of H5N1 Avian Influenza Report: Released by Aethlon ... Avian Influenza: Breaking News, Public Health and Surveillance ...,0,58... Animal rights and avian influenza Avian influenza confirmed in a wild bird in Denmark: Danish ...