In Washio's laboratory at Waseda University, highly advanced scientific research is carried out on the generation and applications of quantum beams such as electron beams, lasers, and ion beams, and new functional materials are synthesized using such beams, in cooperation with other partners. As part of their activities, this research group is studying the nanoscale fabrication of fluorinated polymers in cooperation with the Handai Multi-Functional Nanofoundry of Osaka University, as part of the Open Advanced Facilities Initiative for Innovation (Nanotechnology Network) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
In this report, we discuss our research on the direct microfabrication of fluorinated polymers using quantum beams such as synchrotron radiation and ion beams, performed in cooperation with Ritsumeikan and Osaka Universities, members of the Nanotechnology Network. We also report on the applications of the fluorinated polymers thus obtained.
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