International Symposium “Environmental Health and the SDGs”
This symposium will highlight research and education for the creation of a healthy society toward the achievement of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The lectures and discussions cover the themes including the promotion of safe water environments, hazardous material elimination, and mother-and-child health.
■ Chairs
Mayumi Adachi (Hokkaido University Graduate School of Letters / CEHS)
Atsuko Araki (Hokkaido University Center for Environmental and Health Sciences (CEHS))
■Speakers (English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation)
Yohei INABA (National Institute of Public Health, Japan)
"WHO-FCTC and Tobacco Control in Japan"
"Effects of Environmental Chemical Exposure on Mothers and Children"
Shunitz TANAKA (Hokkaido University Faculty of Environmental Earth Science / CEHS)
"Development of Novel Absorbents for Removal of Hazardous Materials"
1. Hokkaido University Sustainability Weeks 2016 website – Registration Form
2. Phone : +81-11-706-4746
3. Fax : +81-11-706-4725
4. E-mail : info[at]
Center for Environmental and Health Sciences
Phone:011-706-4746 / FAX011-706-4725
PIC:Takahashi, Araki
Please reserve your seat by phone, fax, e-mail, or an Registration form.
We can accept a walk-in participation only if a seat is still available.
No Parking lot! Please use public transportation.
WARM BIZ! Please bring warm cloths with you.