International Roundtable on Lessons from Natural Disasters, Policy Issues and Mitigation Strategies

Natural disasters, almost in every case, do offer a new, live laboratory to test our ideas on the whole range of issues from policy formulation to people’s participation. The Roundtable would provide an opportunity to the participants to discuss these issues through case studies, simulated exercises and exchange of information

Natural disasters, almost in every case, do offer a new, live laboratory to test our ideas on the whole range of issues from policy formulation to people’s participation. Every disaster provides policy makers the heaven sent opportunity to put their policies on the anvil. Professionals charged with the responsibility to counter natural disasters, likewise, get a good opportunity to introspect and see by hindsight where their preparedness plans and strategies have failed them, and why? Scientists do get their food for thought as also fresh ideas and the rare ammunition to re-write their research proposals towards fulfillment of their insatiable quest for improved, cost effective solutions. The Roundtable would provide an opportunity to the participants to discuss these issues through case studies, simulated exercises and exchange of information

For more information contact

Prof Arun P. Kulshreshtha
Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre)
Core 6A, 2nd Floor, India Habitat Centre,
Lodi Road, New Delhi (India)

Telephone: +91-11-24645134/24644974
Fax: +91-11-24644973

E-mail: [email protected]

(The contact link for Prof Arun P. Kulshreshtha is active for logged in users)

From 08 Jan 2007
Until 12 Jan 2007
Tamil Nadu, India
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