BIGIT Diverse 2018 - "If Marketing is the Universe, Digital is the Rocket"

The 3rd Annual Digital Marketing Conference and Exhibition has been evolved as BIGIT DIVERSE 2018. DIVERSE as in DIgital uniVERSE where we aim to Hunt in the Universe of Digital Variety.

As the world are competing to digitalize their business, Marketing and Customer Experience is one of the heavily impacted part of this inevitable evolution where it is needed to be kept under our fingertips by continuously updating on the latest updates and innovation. BIGIT DIVERSE 2018 will involve directly the key players in the industry to talk about latest trends, issues and problems, latest updates, expert predictions, case studies, Panel Discussions and world class Solutions. Covering topics such as Social Media, Sales, SEO, SEM, ROI, Artificial Intelligence and many more to ensure you to be at the forefront of the industries. In-depth research and wide range survey has been conducted to produce the most mind-feeding and innovation making topics. Gathering of Tech Giants, End Users, Solution Providers to create an Actionable Strategy for the delegates. Our past participants coming from all over the globe such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Australia, United Kingdom, United States of America and many more. Connecting Human with the Digital in order to fully utilize the power of Digital Universe Marketing. More details below: or you may contact us at; [email protected]



Asia Research News proudly partners with this event. If you attend, keep an eye out for print copies of the Asia Research News magazine!

Asia Research News partners with more than 80 R&D conferences and events all over the world, helping raise awareness about the events and providing complimentary copies of Asia Research News magazine to delegates. Learn more about media partnerships or participating in the magazine.  

From 08 May 2018
Until 09 May 2018
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
News topics: