27th AMIC Annual Conference

Are you Human? Communication, Technology, & New Humanism

The conference will be held in partnership with Chulalongkorn University, Asian institute of Journalism and Communication and Philippine Women's University.

The theme of the conference is Communication, Technology and New Humanism (please refer to separate document for discussion of the conference theme).

Initial Conference Session Topics

The following are the initial topics for parallel presentations:
* Communication in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
* Reframing Communication: Asian Philosophies, Beliefs & Culture
* Mindful Journalism (Communication)
* Communication, Human Rights, and Democracy: Disruptions and Disturbances
* Internet Universality Principles: Rights-based, Open, Accessible and Multi-stakeholder
* Communication Research Agenda: Communication, Technology, and & New Humanism
* A Guide for the Perplexed: Understanding Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary, and Transdisciplinary Studies
* Understanding Posthumanism (Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Dataism, etc.)
* Big and Small Data: Rewiring the Communication (Thinking) Process
* Communication in a Post-truth Era (Disinformation, Misinformation, and Fake News)
* Computer-Mediated Communication, Public Opinion & Public (Dis)Order (Netizens, Trolls, and Bots)
* Social Media and Social Good
* Cyber wellness: Balanced Offline and Online Lives
* Community Communication & Alternative Media: Rediscovering (Small) Voices
* Populism and Communication Media: Reinforcing or Contrasting?
* Building an EnGendered Communication Media
* Crossing Barriers: Communication and PWDs & Narratives on Migration – Identities, Inclusions and Exclusions
* Risk, Disaster and Humanitarian Communication
* Science & Health Communication towards Quality Life
* Social and Behavior Change Communication for Sustainable (Human) Development


Asia Research News proudly partners with this event. If you attend, keep an eye out for print copies of the Asia Research News magazine!

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From 17 Jun 2019
Until 18 Jun 2019
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
News topics: