6th Asia / China Petchem Feedstock

Shenzhen, China - Hear from the industry’s key players about the latest developments in the petrochemical industry.

Not only are petrochemical players expanding their plants in Asia, players in the Middle East are also announcing cracker expansions, demand for petrochemical feedstock is hence expected to increase. Oil prices are also seen rising towards a high of US$62 on 8th March (Source: www.gulfnews.com), how would the dynamics work out as feedstock tighten amid rising oil prices and increasing demand ?

In order to optimize their cost of production, petrochemical players have been evaluating and developing alternative feedstock options eg. Coal, LNG, LPG, GTL. One alternative route that has attracted much interest is coal based petrochemicals. Sino Biopharmaceutical has announced plans to build a coal to olefin plant in China (Source: Xinhua , Sept 2006) following other companies like XinAo Group, Shenhua Group and Ningxia Coal Group. How is this changing the face of petrochemical production in Asia?

Producers would also need to evaluate the attractiveness of cracking LPG and how LNG investments in Asia may impact feedstock balance. Though not all the options are viable due to resource limitations, petrochemical players could still seek other ways to help improve their margins. Players can look at financial instruments to hedge their feedstock costs. Advances in aromatic technology can also help players increase their yield and productivity. How can petchem players sustain their margins by managing their shipping and logistic strategies more effectively?

Explore these and more at CMT’s 6th Asia/China Petrochemical Feedstock Markets Conference on 14-15 May and hear from the industry’s key players about the latest developments in the petrochemical industry.

Key Sessions :
• Condensate and Naphtha developments
• Outlook of China’s Refining Capacity
• Alternative feedstock options : GTL Naphtha, Coal, LNG, LPG
• Naphtha Futures Hedging : How does it work ?
• Petrochemical Expansion Updates in Asia
• Strategies in Optimising petrochemical Complex
• Logistics and Shipping Challenges

Sign up with your team at www.cmtevents.com or email vynn at [email protected] for more queries.

Who Should Attend
• Production/Product /Marketing/ Commericial/Sales Directors, Managers & Executives fromLeading Oil and Petrochemical Companies
• Coal & Natural Gas Producers
• Refinery Operators
• Additives & Catalyst Companies
• Industry Consultants
• Oil/Gas Traders
• Project Financiers
• Feedstock Technology Licensors

From 14 May 2007
Until 15 May 2007
Shenzhen, China
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