ICMR-NIH 10-week Training Program on Bioethics
Bangalore, India - The programme will include foundation course in Bioethics, elective course in research ethics or clinical ethics, or ethics in social science research related to health. The trainees will then return to their parent institution to design a research project.
A 10-week Training Program on Bioethics, the first of its kind in India shall be conducted at St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore. This program is funded by National Institute of Health, USA through the project “Centrally Co-ordinated Bioethics Education for India” and shall be conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The program will include a four week foundation course in Bioethics, followed by a one week elective course in research ethics or clinical ethics, or ethics in social science research related to health. The trainees will then return to their parent institution for a 4 week period during which s/he will design a research project or write a paper related to the topic of bioethics and then return for one week for presentation of their work at ICMR Headquarters, New Delhi. Certificates will be issued subject to satisfactory completion of the course. Boarding and lodging and course materials would be provided by ICMR. Travel expenses will be borne by participant/participant’s institution. In deserving cases, travel expenses may be borne by ICMR. A total of 30 trainees will be selected for the foundation course in such a manner that at least 10 trainees will be able to select the elective course of their choice.
The basic course would cover topics in yoga and bioethics; philosophy; law; research ethics involving clinical research on drug development, traditional medicine, genetics and biotechnology, and HIV/AIDS; clinical ethics; international research ethics; research methodologies; publication ethics and art of writing; teaching skills and distance education; resource allocation and a practicum on ethics committee functioning.
Course Objective:
At the end of the course, the trainee should be able to appreciate and apply the ethical principles to health practices and research.
Tentative dates of foundation and elective course (5 weeks):
August 20th – September 22nd 2007
St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore
The faculty for the program will be from various parts of the country who are experts in the respective areas.
Contact Details
Dr. Nandini K. Kumar,
Deputy Director General, Division of Basic Medical Sciences,
Indian Council of Medical Research,
V. Ramalingaswami Bhavan, Ansari Nagar,
New Delhi 110 029
Telephone: 011- 26589272/ 26589319 Telefax: 011-26589319
E-mail ID: [email protected]