Australian Epigenetics Scientific Meeting
Perth, Australia - The conference program will be broad and cross-disciplinary, aiming to bring together bioscience researchers working on plants, fungi and animals, including humans.
Scientific sessions will be presented by leading Australian and International Speakers. The major themes of the conference will be non-coding RNAs, chromatin structure and function, DNA methylation, epigenetic regulation of development, epigenetics of human disease (developmental disorders, mental health and disease), epigenetic responses to the environment, and epigenetic technologies.
The conference program will be broad and cross-disciplinary, aiming to bring together bioscience researchers working on plants, fungi and animals, including humans.
The conference has concurrent sessions with the 5th International Congress on Developmental Origins of Health & Disease (DOHaD), which will be hosted at the same venue, commencing on Tuesday 6 November 2007.
Contact: EventEdge T: (08) 9389 1488 F: (08) 9389 1499 E: [email protected]