Taibah International Chemical Conference (TICC-2009)
TICC - 2009 will provide opportunities for academics, researchers and industrialists to interact, exchange ideas, discuss the contemporary research topics. Special sessions will focus on the recent advances in the fields of nanotechnology and new functional materials design and synthesis.
TICC - 2009 will provide opportunities for academics, researchers and industrialists to interact, exchange ideas, discuss the contemporary research topics. Special sessions will focus on the recent advances in the fields of nanotechnology and new functional materials design and synthesis.
The conference will provide the members of the Chemistry Department of Taibah University the opportunity to chart possible scientific collaborations with their visiting peers. Participants from the Saudi Arabia chemical manufacturers will present the industry progress and future developments.
- Chemistry of Nano and applications
- Design and Applications of New organic functional materials
- Chemical and Environmental Pollution: control and
- Present and Future of chemical industries in KSA