World Congress of Health Professions
Perth, Australia - This world congress represents the first time that all health professions across all sectors, have been invited to meet. It is an opportunity to meet those in the forefront of developments in health, to hear experts share their vision of our future and to network with leaders in health from across the world.
This world congress represents the first time that all health professions across all sectors, have been invited to meet. It is an opportunity to meet those in the forefront of developments in health, to hear experts share their vision of our future and to network with leaders in health from across the world. There will be five themes addressing the challenges and opportunities we face as health shapers and providers in a rapidly changing world.
The Organising Committee of the World Congress of Health Professions invites the submission of abstracts for the Congress to be held at the Perth Convention Exhibition Centre in March 2008.
Submission of abstracts closes 13 April 2007. All expressions of interest are subject to approval by the Congress organising committee. Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified by email.
Selection Criteria
The following selection criteria will be applied in the decision making process:
Submission is received by the due date.
Submission is received electronically using the approved template.
Submission demonstrates relevance to the Congress theme and sub-themes.
Title clearly introduces the session content.
Session draws on evidenced based practice or makes a case for future developments and trends.
Session content has appeal to an international audience.
Session applicability to the structure of the Congress program.
Keynote Address
Sixty minute plenary sessions comprising forty five minutes of presentation followed by fifteen minutes of facilitated question time.
Keynote addresses will be aligned to the key themes of the Congress.
Concurrent Sessions
Forty minute sessions comprising thirty minutes of presentation or workshop time followed by ten minutes of facilitated question time. Sessions will be streamed to align with the key themes of the Congress.
Twenty minute sessions comprising fifteen minutes of presentation time followed by five minutes of facilitated question time. Sessions will be streamed to align with the key themes of the Congress.
Pre- and Post-Congress Workshops
Interested persons and organisations are invited to propose half day (3 hours) or full day (6 hours) workshops to be scheduled before or after the Congress.
These workshops will be fully managed by Events WA and become adjunct components of the Congress but enjoy the full marketing and registration service of the Congress.
The organizing committee reserves the right to decide the price per person for workshops following negotiations with presenters.
Our world is changing. As the world becomes "smaller" through access to information and improved communication, we can no longer plan for the future in isolation. What touches our planet, touches each one of us.
As we focus on the services that have always been needed, world changes are creating a need for services we have not yet developed. In the coming decades, there will be many new services, innovations, jobs and technologies in health.
Our aim is to provide health care, disability management and health promotion in this changing world. If we are to succeed we must begin to think with deeper understanding of poverty, technology, human motivation, health systems and the age-old concept of healing.
This Congress seeks to examine ways in which we can meet the challenges of our future.
Global Challenges and Worldwide Health
Spread of disease and pandemics Management of refugees and victims of violence and torture
Victim support: surviving violence and trauma
Climate change, its effect on water supply, nutrition and disease
Changing population demographics in a changing world
The diseases of poverty and affluence
Economics of globalisation
Export Health - capitalising on our strengths
The Impact of New Technologoy on Healthcare
Nano-technology and genetics
Robotic applications in health
New technology in the hospital, home and community
The use of e-technology and e-information
Integrated databases for health research
Diagnostic and imaging innovations
Innovations in Service Delivery
Medical innovations in different cultures
The tension between innovation and evidence based practice
Alternative and complementary therapies
Community-based models of care and management
Distance medicine and e-Health
Technoligcal developments in Patient Information
Systems and communication
Workforce and Training
Retention strategies - flexible work practices, stress factors
Demographics - the aging workforce, the globalisation of the workforce
Professions of the future - emerging new professions,economic rationalism v. professional standards, extended scope practice, specialisation versus multi skilling
Training issues - e-technology and simulation training, predicting trainee requirements and workforce demands
Demands and Opportunities
Turning resreach into reality
Moral and ethical dilemmas
Illness versus Wellness
Pharmaceuticals of the future
Measures of "success"
Multiculturalism: health expectations and work relations
Emotional intelligence in the workplace
Private versus Public Health Care systems
Submission of Abstracts
Applications can be made online.
Further details and the application template can be obtained from the Congress Office.
Applications can only be accepted if accompanied by an AUD$100 lodgement fee. This fee will later be either;
Refunded to non successful applicants
Credited to the registration cost of successful applicants
Credited to the registration cost of unsuccessful applicants who choose to participate as a delegate
The lodgement fee will not be refundable to accepted applicants who later withdraw their presentation.
The Congress Management Committee will advise successful applicants of the date by which registration fees are to be paid in full. These measures are designed to reduce withdrawals from the program which disadvantages delegates and other potential presenters.
Closing date 13 April 2007.
The Congress language is English. All abstracts, presentations and materials must be in English.
Accepted presenters will be expected to register as delegates for the Congress (excludes invited speakers) and to be available at the time scheduled by the organising committee.
Co-authors and co-presenters are acceptable.
Any sources of funding/commercial support associated with the submission must be acknowledged.
Work that has been previously presented must be acknowledged as such in the application.
Accepted abstracts must subsequently be provided as papers or presentations to the Organising Committee for publication within the Congress proceedings.
Accepted presentations must follow the same outline as the submitted abstract.
The Congress Organising Committee reserves all rights and its decisions are final.