2nd Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Theme: "Seismic Hazards and Damage Mitigation in the Asian Region". ACEE 2006 will be an excellent forum for researchers, professionals, engineers, scientists and academicians to exchange ideas and experiences in the fields of seismology, earthquake engineering, seismic risk and disaster mitigation.
Email: [email protected]
Host Organization:
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP)
Cooperating Institutions:
Department of Civil Engineering, De La Salle University – Manila
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)
After the great success of the 1st Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ACEE 2004) in Manila, Philippines, the 2nd Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ACEE 2006) will be held in the Philippines on March 10-11, 2006 with the theme "Seismic Hazards and Damage Mitigation in the Asian Region".
This conference which is coordinated by the Asia Council for Earthquake Engineering (ACEE), will be hosted by the Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP).
ACEE 2006 will provide an excellent forum to bring together researchers, professionals, engineers, scientists and academicians to promote and exchange new ideas and experiences in the broad fields of seismology, earthquake engineering, seismic risk and disaster mitigation.
ACEE2006 Tentative Program
March 10, 2006 (Friday)
Plenary Session - Keynote Lecture 1
The December 26, 2004 Tsunami Disaster in Thailand: Experience & Lessons Learned by Pennung Warnitchai (AIT, Thailand)
Plenary Session - Keynote Lecture 2
Effect of Bilinear Excitation on the SeismicPerformance of RC Bridge Columns
by Kazuhiko Kawashima (TIT, Japan)
Plenary Session - Keynote Lecture 3
Advances on Large Scale Networked Hybrid Simulation Tests in Taiwan By Keh-Chyuan Tsai (NCREE, Taiwan)
Plenary Session - Keynote Lecture 4
Remote Sensing Technologies for Earthquake & Tsunami Disaster Management
By Fumio Yamazaki (Chiba University, Japan)
Technical session 1 - 6
(1) Seismic Design & Performance of Special Structures
(2) Ground Motion, Microtremors & Site Response Evaluation
(3) Dynamic Modeling, Analysis & Retrofitting of Bridge Structures
(4) Seismic Behavior of Structural Members
(5) Earthquake Disaster Reduction Planning in Urban Cities
(6) Seismic Codes & Assessment Procedures
March 11, 2006 (Saturday)
Technical session 7 - 10
(7) Seismic Performance & Testing of RC Buildings
(8) Cross-cutting issues in Earthquake Disaster Management
(9) Seismology, Geology & Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
(10) Remote Sensing, GIS and New Technologies in Earthquake & Tsunami Disaster Management
Plenary Session - Keynote Lecture 5
Learning from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami – Building Damage and Clues for Tsunami Resistant Design By Panitan Lukkunaprasit (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
Plenary Session - Keynote Lecture 6
A Practical Nonlinear Method for Seismic Analysis By Peter Fajfar (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Plenary Session - Keynote Lecture 7
Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Ground Deformations By Rolando Orense (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Plenary Session - Keynote Lecture 8
Risk Management Pespectives & Procedures in Different Professional Disciplines
By Benito Pacheco (Vibrametrics, Philippines)
CPD Lectures on Computer Applications in Structural and Earthquake Engineering
Resource speaker: Dr. Naveed Anwar (ACECOMS, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand)
CPD No. 1 - March 10, 2006 / 2:30- 4:00 PM
Seismic Analysis and Design of Buildings
The complex behavior of high rise buildings, especially when subjected to earthquake lateral loads requires sophisticated computational tools and techniques to realistically predict the behavior. This lecture aims to provide theoretical background and practical knowledge on the computer-aided modeling, analysis and design of buildings in 3-D using state-of-the-art software
CPD No. 2 - March 10, 2006 / 1:00 – 2:30 PM
Effective Modeling and Seismic Design of Bridge Structures
Bridges are important structures in infrastructure projects such as highways, elevated expressways, flyovers and water crossings. The effective and efficient design of bridges requires a good understanding of bridge engineering principles and usage of modern computing tools.
Fees & Registration
The registration fee for the conference covers the proceedings, lunch and snacks for two days.
Regular Registration (Beyond January 15, 2006): US$ 150.00
Foreign delegates can send payment in US$ by bank transfer to:
EQUITABLE-PCI Bank, Scout Albano Branch, Quezon City, Philippines
Account No.: 5276-00307-2
The registration fee for local participants will be subsidized by ASEP. Special rates also apply to active ASEP members. For details on discounted registration fees, contact the ASEP secretariat.
Venue & Accomodation
The conference will be held at the Manila Pavilion, Ermita, Manila, Philippines. The hotel is located in the historic city of Manila where a variety of restaurants, shopping malls, fashionable bars & cafes, art & antique shops,lively casino, the historic Rizal park and Intramuros can be found.
The proceedings of the conference will consist of a Book of Keynote Papers and Summary Papers and a CD of full papers.
Conference Organization
Conference Advisory Committee (CAC)
Chair: Jorge P. Genota
President, ASEP
Ronaldo S. Gallardo
Chair, CE Department, De La Salle University-Manila
Renato U. Solidum, Jr.
Director, Philippine Institute of Vulcanolgy and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)
Local Organizing Committee (LOC)
Conference Chair – Rico P. Gomez
Conference Deputy Chair – Andres W.C. Oreta
Committee Chairpersons:
Technical Program: Bernardo A. Lejano
Ways & Means: Danilo A. Domingo
Publications & Publicity: Joseph Ramil I. Manalo
Logistics: Ronaldo S. Ison
Secretariat: Roleza Jean V. Marzan
Contact us : ASEP Secretariat
Fax (+63-2) 411-8606
Tel(+63-2) 411-8603 / 410-0483
Mobile No. +63-917- 823-7739
ASEP Website: http://www.aseponline.org
Email: [email protected]
ACEE2006 Website: http://acee.dlsu.edu.ph
Email: [email protected]