International Dialogue on Science and Practice in Sustainable Development: Linking Knowledge with Action
Call for proposals for Special Sessions in now open
Organized under the auspices of
* the Initiative of Science and Technology for Sustainability (ISTS)
* the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) and
* the Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI);
* hosted by the Unit for Social and Environmental Research (USER), Chiang Mai University, Thailand.
Sustainable development is about meeting human needs and protecting the Earth’s life support system. Despite three world summits and numerous related meetings, the progress towards achieving sustainable development has been slow. Goals such as reducing poverty and hunger, providing clean water and protecting the environment remain elusive. The Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals, together with the 2005-2010 UN Decade on Education for Sustainable Development point to the need to mobilize knowledge for far-reaching and effective actions.
What knowledge is needed to be effective? What knowledge is available? What examples do we have of successful alliances and collaboration leading to sustainability? What can we learn from these examples?
Call for Special Sessions
Proposals for Special Sessions can be submitted via the website link below between November 15, 2005 and February 1, 2006 (Deadline!) – see online submission function at the bottom of that page.
Special, parallel sessions will last for 90 minutes. Sessions will be selected from the submitted proposals, and grouped as far as possible so that they take place after a plenary session on a related topic (view tentative topics of the Plenary Sessions). Each Session must have a rapporteur, who will provide input to the Final Plenary Session and the International Action Plan.
Selection Criteria:
* Mix of participants from science and research, education, business/industry, government and multilateral organisations, and civil society;
* Dialogue style. Innovative and creative proposals for Dialogue will be highly credited. The sessions should provide an opportunity for a well-moderated Dialogue between a range of actors, through organized debate, roundtable discussions, mini “town meetings”, panel discussions etc.;
* Examples of best practice in linking knowledge and action; discussion of the challenges of linking;
* Illustration of two-way linkages between science and practice.
The sessions can be focussed on case studies, regional/sub-regional examples of linkages, or particular sectors. Final selection, to be made by the IDSP International Planning Committee, will also take into account geographical distribution, gender balance, and inclusion of the younger generation (science and practice).
The International Dialogue Secretariat
Dr. Jill Jäger, Executive Director
c/o Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI),
Garnisongasse 7/27, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
tel & fax: +43 1 263 21 04
e-mail: (to send an e-mail, please replace _AT_ with @)
Mrs. Elisabeth Dyck, MBA, Executive Secretary
c/o Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI),
Garnisongasse 7/27, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
tel & fax: +43 1 888 09 60
e-mail: (to send an e-mail, please replace _AT_ with @)