The 3rd International Conference of UNESCO Chair Higher Education for Sustainable Development

The Universiti Sains Malaysia and the Leuphana University of Lüneburg cordially invite you to participate in the 3rd International Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education, which will take place in Penang, Malaysia on 20 – 22 November 2009.

After five years of the UN Decade ‚Education for Sustainable Development’ this conference provides the opportunity to critically reflect on what has been achieved so far and which tasks and challenges remain to be addressed. The 3rd international conference - hosted by the UNESCO Chair‚ Higher Education for Sustainable Development’ in cooperation with the Universiti Sains Malaysia - is asking for the specific implications for higher education, focusing on higher education practice, research and teaching/learning. Locating the regional focus of this year’s conference on the Asia-Pacific region will continue the international dimension of the conference and will highlight the intent of cross-cultural dialogue.

In a 3-day program with lectures, workshops, poster presentations and round tables we will discuss the topic and present state of the art research. We therefore invite all researchers and higher education institutions committed to integrating sustainability into their curricula to contribute to the conference by sharing their experiences and presenting research activities for Sustainable Development in Higher Education.

Conference Themes
(1) Mainstreaming Higher Education and Sustainable Development
(2) Impact of Higher Education and Sustainable Development
(3) Innovation in Higher Education and Sustainable Development

Delegates to the conference can also sign up for the following:

Intensive course on sustainability - offered by International Faculties under Erasmus Mundus Program

Prospernet consultative Meeting - sharing of research findings

RCE Asia Pacific Meeting - network under united nation university

Research Colaboration Opportunities

Hosting a Round Table on topic of your interest

Southeast asia Regional Seminar on Promoting Research & Education for Sustainable Development

* This conference is held back to back with University-Community Engagement for Sustainability

Abstracts up to 1000 words should be submitted in English through the online submission form available on the conference website (

A selection of the best papers will be published in the book series “Higher Education for Sustainable Development”.

Deadline for submission of abstracts 31st August 2009
Final notification of acceptance 15th of September 2009
Early registration 30th of September 2009
Full paper submission 30th of October 2009


“Higher Education for Sustainable Development”,
Institute for Environmental and
Sustainability Communication,
Leuphana University of Lüneburg,
[email protected]

Dr. Zainal Abidin Sanusi
RCE Penang @ USM
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Tel: +60-4-653-4122
Fax: +60-4-656-9298
Email: [email protected]

From 20 Nov 2009
Until 22 Nov 2009
Penang, Malaysia
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