Centennial Grand Scientific Symposium 2006 - "Emergencies and Disasters: Pearls for the 21st Century Primary Health Care Provider"
"Emergencies and Disasters: Pearls for the 21st Century Primary Health Care Provider" is especially significant in this day of major calamities and disasters which unexpectedly come at any time and any place. Readiness to meet the challenges that such emergencies bring may be the deciding factor that will determine the possible outcome.
Centennial Grand Scientific Symposium 2006
January 22-25, 2006
Emergencies and Disasters:
Pearls for the 21st Century Primary Health Care Provider
Deans Message:
My warmest greetings!
It is with great pleasure that we announce the staging of the Centennial Grand Scientific Symposium (GSS) on January 22-25, 2006 at the Manila Hotel. This is a much awaited event for it provides an excellent professional fora for open and informed discussions on relevant and timely topics in various fields of the practice of medicine.
This year’s theme, “Emergencies and Disasters: Pearls for the 21st Century Primary Health Care Provider” is especially significant in this day of major calamities and disasters which unexpectedly come at any time and any place. Readiness to meet the challenges that such emergencies bring may be the deciding factor that will determine the possible outcome.
Due to the diaspora of Filipino health professionals to other countries, available health professionals may no longer be adequate in number when calamities and disasters strike. Then, everyone, young and old, should be drafted to help out. Those with training in giving basic health care will be able to render the needed service and help stem the mortality and morbidity that is usually associated with disasters.
The Centennial Grand Scientific Symposium thus is not only aimed at medical practitioners but paramedical professionals and the general public as well. Let us take this occasion, therefore, to equip ourselves, like boy scouts, to handle emergencies and disasters and be of service to our country.
Mabuhay tayong lahat!
The Manila Hotel, Philippines
For more information, please contact the
CENTENNIAL SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM SECRETARIAT at (632) 526-4254 or (632) 426-0093, 436-6580, 436-6581 (fax).
You can also e-mail at [email protected].
Please visit http://centennial.up-gss.org/ to access the complete program schedule.
Symposium 1: Inundations: Typhoons and Floods, Earthquakes and Tsunamis, Volcanic Eruptions and Lahar, Landslides
Symposium 2: Psychological Impact of Disasters: Perspectives, Interventions and Dilemmas
Symposium 3: Highways, Airways and Waterways: Land, Air and Sea Transport Disasters
Symposium 4: Conflagrations: Fires and Blasts, Heat Waves, Sunstroke, Drought and Lighting Strikes
Symposium 5: Mass Casualty Management
Symposium 6: Forensic Science in the Identification of Mass Disaster Victims
Symposium 7: Epidemics: Water-bourne Diseases and Common Infectious Diseases Encountered in Disasters
Symposium 8: Terrestrial Environment Disasters: Landfills and Waste Disposal Issues, Watershed Contamination, Deforestation, Slash and Burn Farming and
Mining Disasters
Symposium 9: Epidemics: Vector-bourne Diseases, Malaria, Rodent and Pest-bourne Diseases and Food Poisoning
Symposium 10: The Global Microbial Traffic: How Scared and Prepared Should We Be?
Symposium 11: Aquatic and Marine Environment Disasters: When Air Suffocates and Water Pollutes
Symposium 12: Poisons in the Environment: Xenobiotics, Environmental Toxins and Drug Teratogens, Pesticides, Food Additives, Steroids, Antibiotics and GMO
Symposium 13: Avoiding Epidemics: Pediatric and Geriatric Immunization
Symposium 14: Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism
Symposium 15: Economics of Disasters: Claims, Lawsuits, Insurance, Financing Relief and Rehabilitation Efforts
Symposium 16: Safe Homes, Safe Streets: Common Household Accidents and How to Create Childproof and Elderly-Friendly Environments
Symposium 17: Health Promoting Schools
Symposium 18: Workplace Safety: Toxins, Lighting, Noise, Ventilation Occupational Hazards and Emergency Preparedness
Plenary Session 1: Dealing with Post Apocalyptic Scenarios: Disasters and Emergencies on Land, Air and Sea
Plenary Session 2: The Scourge of Modern Civilization: Pollution, Microbe Attacks, Environmental Disasters and Epidemics
Plenary Session 3: Healing Our World, Healing Ourselves