Inception Workshop on Follow-Up Activities to the ASEAN-SEAFDEC Conference on Sustainable Fisheries for Food Security Towards 2020 4-5 July 2011

This is a follow-up workshop to the Ministeral Conference held in June, 2011. Senior fisheries officers are meeting to plan initiatives that will translate the policy framework in action in their respective countries in a coordinated manner.

08.30-09.00 Registration

09.00-10.30 Agenda 1. Opening of the Workshop

Agenda 2. Background and Introduction

Agenda 3. Adoption of the Agenda and Arrangements

10.30-10.45 Coffee/Tea Break

10.45-12.30 Agenda 4. Presentation on Existing and Planned Activities/Projects in Line with the Plan of Action

Agenda 5. Discussion on Priority and Gaps and Development of Programs to Address the Plan of Action
5.1 Introduction

12.30-14.00 Lunch Break

14.00-15.30 Agenda 5. Discussion on Priority and Gaps and Development of Programs to Address the Plan of Action (Cont’d)
5.2 Group Discussion
o Marine Fisheries
o Coastal Fisheries
o Inland Fisheries
15.30-15.45 Coffee/Tea Break

15.45-17.00 Agenda 5. Discussion on Priority and Gaps and Development of Programs to Address the Plan of Action (Cont’d)
5.2 Group Discussion (Cont’d)
o Marine Fisheries
o Coastal Fisheries
o Inland Fisheries

From 04 Jul 2011
Until 05 Jul 2011
Bangkok, Thailand
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