6th UUM International Legal Conference, Penang Malaysia 19-20 November 2011

The 6th UUM International Legal Conference 2011 (ILC 2011), a biannual legal conference ortganized by the College of Law, Government and International Studies (COLGIS), Universiti Utara Malaysia, (UUM) will be held on 19-20 November 2011 (Saturday and Sunday) at Bayview Beach Resort Hotel, Batu Ferringghi, Penang., Malaysia.

I would be obliged if you could announce this conference for public knowledge in your website. This conference will be attended by the Malaysian and outside Malaysian legal scholars. They will present academic papers on diverse legal topics. So far, we have managed to get more than 100 presenters to highlight their legal research topics for presentations and discussion in the conference.

Among legal topic of interests to be presented in this conference are:

1) Consumer Protection for Online Banking Scams via E-Mail In Malaysia;

2) Rehabilitation Of Abandoned Housing Projects In Peninsular Malaysia And Singapore: A Comparative Analysis;

3) The Law And Practice In The Rehabilitation Of Abandoned Housing Projects In Peninsular Malaysia And New South Wales, Australia;

4) Halangan Undang-Undang Dan Transformasi Institusi Perbankan Dan Kewangan Di Malaysia;

5) Fraud in Letter Of Credit – Malaysian Banks’ PerspectivePelaksanaan Sistem Pajak Gadai Islam (Al–Rahnu) Dan Pajak Gadai Konvensional Di Malaysia: Satu Komentar;

6) Phishing: A Challenge For E-Banking In Malaysia;

7) Capability Of Applying Human Rights In Fighting Terrorism Process Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): A Case Study of Malaysian-Indonesian Dispute in Celebes Sea;

8) The EU Security And Safety Legislations As Examples Of The EU Primary And Secondary Legislation And Some Related Problems;

9) Reforming The ASEAN Economic Community’s Dispute Settlement Mechanisms “Going Forward” The Changing Facet of Partnership Base Business Structure; Development of Venture Capital Vehicles in Malaysia;

10) The Theories Underpinning Corporate Insolvency Law: An Analysis;

11) Directors’ Obligations Towards Creditors Under The CSR Regime: Common Law Position And Islamic Perspective;

12) The Administration of Environmental Justice Systems In Malaysia And Bangladesh: An Empirical Study For Sustainable Development;

13) Democracy And Political Governance In South Africa: Two Decades After Apartheid Islamic Headscarf Debate In Europe: An International Human Rights Law Approach

14) Tax Laws Affecting Waqf In Malaysia: A Comparison With The United States And Turkey;

15) Menjustifikasikan Ilmu Dan Amalan Sihir Sebagai Satu Jenayah Berdasarkan Peruntukan Dalam Kanun Keseksaan;

16) Menzahirkan Sisi Ghaib Actus Reus Dan Mens Rea Jenayah Sihir;

17) Anti-Money Laundering And Counter Financing Of Terrorism In Malaysian And Islamic Law;

18) Investigation And Prosecution Of Money Laundering Cases In Malaysia;

19) Kesalahan Penghinaan Terhadap Nabi Muhammad SAW Dari Perspektif Undang-Undang Syariah Dan Undang-Undang Di Malaysia;

20) Islamic Alternatives For A Credit Card;

21) The International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) 1998 And The Role Of Religion In International Law Kontrak Hibrid Muamalat Dari Perspektif Undang-Undang: Analisis Terhadap Produk Pembiayaan Perumahan Secara Musharakah Mutanaqisah;

22) The Enactment and Application of the Administration of Muslim Personal Law, 2008: A Challenge to the Legal System in Uganda;

23) Indonesian Migrant Workers: Legal Right, Exploitation, Bullying, Labor Standards, And Bilateral Relationship To Result Win-Win Solution Between Both Workers’ Right To Establish Trade Unions: Iranian Laws According To The International Labour Organization (ILO) Standards;

24) Frod Dalam Urus Niaga Tanah: Satu Kajian Perbandingan Dengan Undang-Undang Tanah Australia;

25) Computer Evidence: Issues And Challenges In The Present And In The FuturePeranan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) Dalam Menanggani Isu Penipuan Tanda Halal Di Premis Makanan;

26) A Study On The Governance Of Bloggers In Malaysia.


Dr. Nuarrual Hilal Md. Dahlan ACIS


The 6th UUM International Legal Conference 2011 (ILC2011)
College of Law, Government and International Studies
Universiti Utara Malaysia

From 19 Nov 2011
Until 20 Nov 2011
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