The First International Space Exploration Symposium in Japan, 30-31 October 2012

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is proposing "The First International Space Exploration Symposium in Japan - Space Exploration for Humanity and the Future- " in Tokyo on Tuesday, October 30 and Wednesday, October 31.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is proposing "The First International Space Exploration Symposium in Japan - Space Exploration for Humanity and the Future- " in Tokyo on Tuesday, October 30 and Wednesday, October 31. The International Space Station (ISS), a human space facility, is now operating daily, which means that human beings entered such an era that they live in space near Earth daily. Therefore, as the next target for human space exploration, the moon and asteroids have been discussed among international partners.

At this symposium, senior managers and experts from governments, academia, space agencies and space industries will provide participants with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of future human space exploration through panel discussions, presentations and interactive question-and-answer sessions. We are sincerely looking forward to your attendance.

1. Date and Time
13:00 - 18:15 (JST) on Tuesday, October 30, 2012 (Registration 12:00 onward)
10:00 - 18:00 (JST) on Wednesday, October 31, 2012 (Registration 9:00 onward)

2. Venue
Golden Room, 2nd Floor, Keidanren-Kaikan
1-3-2 Otemachi Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, Japan
Map: (direct links below)

3. Organizer, Co-Organizers and Sponsors
Organizer: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Co-Organizers: KEIDANREN, Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation and
International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)
Sponsors: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. and NEC Corporation

4. Program Outline (Detailed in the annex)
1st day: Confirmation of space exploration's significance
Keynote speech
Panel discussion concerning the significance of space exploration from various perspectives

2nd day: Perspective of space agency, space industry and space policy
Panel discussion concerning human space exploration from a space policy perspective
Introduction of space exploration concepts of space agencies and space industries

Exhibitions from JAXA and supporting companies are being planned.

5. Participation
Approximately 300 people

6. Conference Registration
Prior registration required via the symposium website below.

Your personal information is secure and used only for this symposium.

Inquiries to the International Space Exploration Symposium Secretariat
E-mail: [email protected]

7. Notes
- No entrance fee.
- Simultaneous Interpretation in English and Japanese available.
- Live webcast.


Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Publisher :
Public Affairs Department
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Marunouchi Kitaguchi Building,
1-6-5, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8260 Japan


From 30 Oct 2012
Until 31 Oct 2012
Tokyo, Japan
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