12th Asian Presidents University Forum (AUPF)
Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) the host of the 12th Asian Presidents University Forum (AUPF), to be held 6th -9th October, 2013, Langkawi & Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia
Theme: Leadership in the Transformation of Asia : Opportunities and Challenges
Current Challenges: Creating Leadership in Quality Amidst Increasing Student Diversity
The Future Of Asian Education
Creating The Ultimate Asian Graduate
Equity, Equality And Environmental Sustainability: The Role Of Asian Universities
Globalization Of Education And The Asian Reality
Inter-University Cooperation Programs: Where Do We Stand ?
The deadline for submitting at least an abstract is July 1, 2013. Please submit together with the abstract and photo. The full paper should be submitted by August 1st, 2013.
Contact and papers submission:
Assistant Vice Chancellor
(Corporate Communications) Office
Universiti Malaysia Perlis
Email: [email protected]
Fee: USD 600 per person
This amount will cover participation in Forum sessions, local transportation to and from Forum events, meals at Forum functions and hotel accommodations for 3 nights (October 6th - 9th, 2013). This amount does not include fees related to spouse programs.
Website: http://aupf.unimap.edu.my/