Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) Asia 2015 Conference and Exhibition
AUTM Asia 2015 will be the largest gathering of academic research institutions, industry, technology transfer professionals and entrepreneurs in Asia.
Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC) is honoured to be the hosts for this year’s Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) Asia 2015 Meeting.
To be held from 6 – 9 April 2015 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, AUTM Asia 2015 will serve as a global networking platform for technology transfer processionals in academic, research, government, legal and commercial settings. This year’s conference carries the theme "Technology Transfer in a Globalised Economy".
Attendance is open to technology transfer professionals in academic, research and government sectors, technology entrepreneurs, private sector practitioners, policy makers, venture capitalists, legal firms, and other interested parties.
We look forward to your participation in this exciting event in one or more of the following roles: conference sponsor, exhibitor and/or participant.
The Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) is a global networking platform that consists of more than 3,200 technology transfer professionals in academic, research, government, legal and commercial settings. AUTM Asia is an annual event that highlights various product developments resulting from the efforts of academic technology transfer that benefits both the industries, in terms of efficiency and low cost-solutions, and the researchers, which will be exposed to industrial needs basis. Both fresh and experienced researchers will gain the opportunity to expand their network as well as to establish a knowledge sharing platform between their peers. As the proud host of AUTM Asia 2015, MTDC would like to welcome you to this auspicious occasion!
Malaysian Technology Development Corporation or MTDC, is a company wholly-owned by Khazanah Nasional Malaysia which has been involved in the business of Grant Management, Incubation, Nurturing Services, as well as Advisory and Value Added Services. Established in 1992, its goal was to promote the adoption of technologies developed by local companies through the commercialisation activities of local inventions or acquisition of foreign technologies. As the spearheading element in commercialisation and managing of Government funds since the 7th Malaysia plan (1996-2000), MTDC has established a strong reputable image as a key player in Malaysia promoting Technology-based companies. Under the 10th Malaysia Plan (2011-2015), MTDC was tasked the role of creating an effective ecosystem for the commercialisation activities of home-grown technologies in order to groom a new generation of Technopreneurs via comprehensive nurturing services which will facilitate them all the way from laboratory ideas to full commercialisation stage. The right mix of dedication, knowledge, technology, innovation, conviction, support, investments and nurturing makes MTDC the COMPLETE EQUATION - creating values and accelerating the economic growth for the nation.
Malaysian Technology Development Corporation
Level 8 - 9 Menara Yayasan Tun Razak
Jalan Bukit Bintang
55100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : +603 - 2172 6000
Fax : +603 - 2163 7542
Email : [email protected]