2015 Asian Science & Technology Innovation Forum

Asian Information Platform Leadership for Global Challenges, Daejeon, Korea, October 22, 2015

Asia is home to more than half the world's population and faces a greater share of global challenges. Many of these challenges can be met through science and technology innovation (STI), but the resources and STI capabilities that are available in the region vary greatly by country. Yet, by definition, global challenges are common to all countries. This suggests a cooperative response for co-prosperity. The Asian Research Network (ARN) proposed the Asian Science and Technology Innovation Forum as an opportunity to address these global challenges through a cooperative approach in STI from the Asian perspective.

The inaugural Forum in 2014 brought participants from East Asia together to discuss a "Sustainable Platform and Cooperative Networking for the Future." Several issues on how to address STI disparities were discussed including STI strategy, capacity building, joint research and development, job creation, and talent mobility. At the end of the Forum, participants agreed that there was a need for greater leadership within Asia and that a platform was necessary to provide a vehicle for discourse and activities.

The 2015 Asian STI Forum will continue the discussion by extending ideas on Asian leadership and partnership with specific details on how strategies and platforms can be developed to address global challenges. Models for platform leadership and collaborative networks will be discussed for co-prosperity and job creation in Asian economies. Implementation programs may include STI policies, technology transfer, and platform leadership.


Forum Secretariat
Asian Research Network Korea
Email: [email protected]

From 22 Oct 2015
Until 22 Oct 2015
Daejeon, Korea
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