"The Mind" Seminar Series
We believe the key to stay competitive is Intelligence. What kind of intelligence is the right kind for the new competitions? How would Intelligence help us feel and be empowered, and empower our machines to be more efficient and helpful?
While we were sleeping…not just that we aged, the world also transformed. Have we ever wondered that we might need to take on a new sets of competencies for the new sets of challenges? Mind and Intelligence for the empowerment of industry, technology and community A brand new world, a brand new competencies
Intelligence for the New Millennium
Globalisation. A simple word, with extensive meanings and implications. Very importantly, it is a non-escapable phenomenon, whether we like it or not, we are in it and have now no choice but to strive on it.
The World has gone so far. While we were sleeping, the globe was transforming, 20 years back, globalisation only took a form of country/regional globalization – we compete by region, there is regional divide, globalization took place only within specific regional boundaries – our competition, for example, was only among Asian countries. 10 years later, competition enlarged, there was borderless business regions, but companies started to compete among themselves beyond regional and country courtyards (Globalisation 2.0). Before we realize it, we have now come to the third phase of Globalisation (Globalisation 3.0). Globalisation has started to affect the individuals, irregardless of skin colours and nationalities. Competition is not just among companies, but most importantly, it happens among individuals, limitation of the person’s personal capabilities is the boundary. One is free to move, to compete global wide. Competition is severe.
With such a fast forwardness, and a new brand of world – it takes a new sets of competencies for an individual, organization and region to compete globally.
FSKPM believes that there is a critical need for an integrated, balanced approach to competitiveness, to pave way to more secrets to success – human quality and technological advancement.
We believe the key to stay competitive is Intelligence. What kind of intelligence is the right kind for the new competitions? How would Intelligence help us feel and be empowered, and empower our machines to be more efficient and helpful?
Join us to listen and discuss more about how far our intelligence can stretch, and what kind of intelligence can help us, the technology, and our lifes to face Globalisation 3.0.
‘Intelligence for the empowerment for industry, technology and community’ is the first of ‘The Mind’ Seminar Series, a commitment to FSKPM’s aspiration to promote first class minds.
To be held at the following details:
29th July 2006
8.30am – 4pm
Breakfast, morning coffee, lunch, afternoon tea will be served.