2nd HealthWorldsAsia Medical Congress 2005 - Future Diagnostics and Therapy in Oncology

"Cancer: Are we winning the battle?" is the theme of this annual Asia Pacific congress is dedicated to presenting objective, up-to-date information on health and research in medicine today.

Contact Information:

Jasmin Kossenjans
The JanKossen Group Switzerland
Marketing Consultancy, event management and Publisher HealthWorlds Magazine
Delsbergerallee 61
CH 4053 Basel

Email: [email protected], [email protected]


This annual Asia Pacific congress is dedicated to presenting objective, up-to-date information on health and research in medicine today. This year's theme is Future Diagnostics and Therapy in Oncology or "Cancer: Are we winning the battle?"

Delegates to the conference will present and discuss future oncology diagnostics and therapies, head and neck cancers, oral cancer and maxillofacial surgery, TCAM and alternative cancer prevention & healing, communicating bad news to patients, clinical trials & ethics

Speakers from leading organisations, oncology research institutes, universities and hospitals will be presenting the latest in cancer diagnostics and therapy. There will be invited international speakers from Australia, India, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom and many more


Speakers from leading Organisations, oncology research institutes, universities and hospitals will be presenting the latest in cancer diagnostics and therapy.

Among our invited international speakers include :

Frank Caruso, Professor and ARC Federation Fellow
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
The University of Melbourne

Prof Yoshiaki Ito TBC , Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB), A*STAR

Newell W. Johnson, Professor
Foundation Dean and Head of School, School of Dentistry and Oral Health, Griffith University, Australia

Deepak Kademani, Assistant Professor of Surgery
Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester

Dr Moni Abraham Kuriakose, Head of Institute of Head and Neck surgery AMRITA Medical Institute, Cochin India

Mostafa El Khashab,MD,Ph.D,F.Az
Chief of Neurosurgery, Saad hospital, Saudi Arabia

Ian McNiece, Johns Hopkins Oncology Center,
Division of Hematologic Malignancies, USA

Professor Saman Warnakulasuriya, Head Oral Medicine
King's College London, UK

Jackie Ying, Professor, Executive Director of the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, Singapore
And many more...


Among the topics to be covered are

Finding the magic bullet: Future diagnostic methods and therapy for the treatment of cancer
- Current Genome research and targeted therapeutics
- Usage and acceptance of stem cells for future oncology treatment
- Genetic Counsellors : translating genomic science into clinical practice
- Integrating traditional and natural products and medicine in oncology research
- Computational methods in database integration
- Nanotechnology: Using Nano-devises for cancer chemotherapy
- The mini-lab-on-a-chip. Revolutionizing disease detection
And much more...

Prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of Oral, head and throat cancer
- Future treatments of Oral, nose, and throat cancer
- Dentistry and early diagnosis of oral cancer
- MI Dentistry and the changing role of dentistry
- After Cancer: New methods in reconstructive facial, oral and dental surgery
- Prevention and education: revising community health programmes to combat the disease
- Ethnicity matters: differences in cancer prevalence among community groups
And much more...


Delegates attending include:
Nuclear physicists, radiologist, medical oncologists, clinical oncologists, oral/head and neck specialists, dentists, maxillofacial and oral surgeons, public education, health ministry representatives, medical and dental associations, university representatives, and final year students.

Register Before 1 July 2005 USD 450.-
After 1 July 2005 USD 550.-

Delegate Registration includes the following
- Access to all Scientific Sessions
- Access to Poster Exhibition
- Access to Sponsors Exhibition
- Daily Tea/coffee breaks (two breaks per day with snacks
- Daily lunch stand-up buffet
- Free copy of all congress documentation
- Certificate of Attendance (upon collection of badge at registration desk)
- Free copy of Congress abstract book
- Invitation to the opening ceremony, Friday 11 November 2005
- Invitation to the welcome reception "Spain!" , Friday 11 November 2005
- Invitation to the Farewell Gala Dinner "Night Safari" 13 November 2005
- One year (four issues) complimentary subscription HealthWorlds Magazine. First issue is given during congress.

Ask for overseas packages which include hotel stay and airport pick up, and tours.

HealthWorlds Asia 2005 offers your company an opportunity for quality direct promotion and branding to your target audience: medical and dental professionals, ministries of health representatives, hospitals, and medical/dental faculties of universities around S.E Asia, Middle East, India and Australia and New Zealand.

Early bird booth registration closes 1 July 2005.

Exhibitors include:
- Medical technology solution systems
- Diagnostics (preferred in Cancer treatments)
- Cancer therapies (from current therapies to future biomedical research)
- Pharmaceuticals
- Suppliers of quality surgical hospital equipment , products and services
- Oral, maxillofacial and ENT related products and services
- Post cancer therapy solutions (rehabilitation, pharmaceuticals, etc.)

- MI and preventive dentistry products and services
- Reconstructive Dental products (services and equipments) for reconstructive surgery
- Services and products for dental auxiliaries

- Cancer awareness associations/organisations
- Cancer centres, hospitals with oncology specialisms
- Publishers of medical/dental literature
- Suppliers of computational methods in database integration

1 July: early bird registration for delegates and exhibition closes
15 August: poster abstract submission closes

From 11 Nov 2005
Until 13 Nov 2005
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