Institute of Islamic Sciences (ISI), Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), and Faculty of Sharia and Law under Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) together with Malaysia Technical Scientist Association (MALTESAS) are pleased to announce that it will be hosting the 2016 WORLD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAMIC SCIENCES (WICOIS) on 5 – 7 December 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This international level conference its aim to be more specific in the development and cutting-edge papers related to Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities. The main theme of the 2016 WORLD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAMIC SCIENCES (WICOIS) is Science, Technologies and Humanities For Better Life of Ummah to provide an opportunity for academicians and professionals from various islamic studies in science and technology and other related fields from all over the world to come together and learn from each other. An additional goal of the conference is to provide a place for academicians and professionals with cross-disciplinary interests related to various islamic studies in science and technology and other related fields to meet and interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines SUBMIT – ALL ACCEPTED PAPERS WILL BE INCLUDED IN ADVANCED SCIENCE LETTERS ISSN: 1936-6612 (Print): EISSN: 1936-7317 (Online) Copyright © 2000-2016 American Scientific Publishers. All Rights Reserved. SCOPUS Indexed (Q3/Q4 Journal Rank by SCIMAGOR) CPCI-S by Thomson Reuters Introducing: Best Paper Awards for Five Papers *Will receive a certificate of Best Paper Award *Nominated by Experts SUBMIT – WICOIS covers, but not limited to, the following topics: Conference Tracks: A. Heritage and Islamic civilization The integration of al-Quran and Sunnah with modern scientific discovery Scientific discovery and technological innovations Application of technology in the development of science al-Quran and Sunnah Current issues of Al-Quran and Sunnah Current Issues in education and psychology Muslim scholars in contemporary world The Role of Al-Quran and Sunnah based on the institutions perspective in Malaysia and NGO Islamic Arts and Culture Islamic Manuscript The best implementation of Qur'an and Sunnah in the transformation of human society Military, political, economic and social from Quranic and Sunnah perspectives Medicine and healthcare in the Islamic perspectives Quranic and Sunnah education for disabilities The role of al-Quran and Sunnah against misunderstandings concerning religion and heresy B. Wellness and Quality of Life Community and Health Socio cultural aspects of health Traditional and Complementary Medicine Clinical Medicine Infectious Diseases Non-Communicable Diseases Healthy Ageing Women Health Child Health Healthy workforce C. Science & Technology Agriculture Astronomy Biology Biotechnology Biochemistry Chemistry Civil Earth Science Ecology Electronics Energy Environment Geography Geology and Geophysics Life Sciences Mathematics Materials Science Mechanical Meteorology Nanotechnology Nursery Physics Statistics Space D. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Engineering Bioinformatics Distributed, Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing Computer Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks and High Performance Networks Information, Network and System Security Mobile Computing Audio Video System Biometrics and Human Computer Interaction Data/Image Processing, Compression and Enhancement Internet and Web Applications Multimedia Applications Databases and Data Mining Methods and Applications Knowledge Management Software Engineering Computational Business Intelligence Empirical Studies, Benchmarking, and Industrial Best Practices Pervasive, Ubiquitous, Service-Oriented Computing Control, Information and Systems Engineering System Identification, Modelling & Simulation Signal Processing: Speech Processing, Image Processing Instrumentation and Automation Computer Engineering Automation & Robotics System Identification Process & Control Intelligent Systems Optimization of Systems Embedded Systems Nonlinear Systems Digital Control Other Topics in ICT and Engineering E. Law, Shariah dan Social Science Modern Application of Shariah and Legal Studies Shariah and Law: Integration Approach Intergration of Naqli and Aqli Knowledge in Shariah and Law International Law Family Law Land and Forest Law Maritime Law International Trade Human Rights Law and Society Evidence Administrative and Procedural Law Modern Application of Shariah Islamic Criminal Law Other related field to Shariah and Law organizational studies Political science Psychology Ethnic and cultural studies Sociology Economy Muamalat Accounting Business SUBMIT – Looking forward to your support, participation & contribution in WICOIS! Conference Chair 2016 WORLD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAMIC SCIENCES (WICOIS) Email: [email protected] | Website:
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